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"You said earlier that you're embarrassed to let me wait for you, but you want me to wait, right?"

As I looked at the situation accordingly I wondered why he always had to make things so difficult. Who asked him to come here in the first place? I had been making progress before he showed up. But life is never easy, is it?

"You're talking too much. Are you finished eating?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"That's your issue," he retorted. "You always change the subject."

I grabbed my plate and walked away as I couldn't deal with him anymore. But as I was lost in thought, he entered the kitchen with his unfinished food. I looked at him and then his plate, silently asking him with my eyes why he hadn't finished his meal.


"Why didn't you finish your food?" I wondered, concerned that he didn't like it. Of course, there was no chicken it. He wouldn't enjoy anything without it. I should have realized that.

"I don't want to eat," he said, looking away from me and holding his plate.

"If you want to eat chicken, I'll send you the address of a nearby restaurant that serves amazing chicken," I suggested. I had been there before with Ivy, she loves their chicken.

"I know, but there must be some vegetarian option," he replied.

"You're the definition of stubbornness," he scoffed. "You're just an idiot. I'll wash my plate myself. Where should I throw this food?"

"You're just an idiot," I mocked. "You want to wait for that idiot!" I taunted him and finally managed to take his plate. "You only ate a few bites and now you want to throw it all away? Idiot, idiot, idiot! I'll keep this in the fridge and eat it for dinner."

He sometimes brings out the worst of me.

He looked puzzled when I said that. "Why would you eat that for dinner?"

"You've proved that you're an idiot. We shouldn't waste the food, and it won't spoil until dinner. Since you didn't like the food, you definitely won't eat it for dinner, so I will," I explained, placing his plate in the fridge. "Anyways, today's lunch was too delicious to be thrown in the garbage."

I walked past him and began washing the dishes in front of the sink. My face grew hot from how irritated I was. I scrubbed the dishes a bit too roughly, causing them to clatter and make loud noises. But what else could I do? All I could be was an "idiot."

Why did he always call me an idiot? And stubborn? So what did that make him? He was so stubborn, coming all the way here to make things difficult for me. And he was also an idiot for wasting his time here.

"I'd prefer it if you argue with me instead of blaming innocent dishes." he said, trying to diffuse the sitsituation accordinglyde me more angry.

"Why should I?" I countered.

"Just stop, Y/N-ah," he pleaded.

"I won't," I said firmly.

"Aashvi is home," he said, hoping it would solve everything.

"So? She'll know that there's nothing between us," I retorted.

"Nothing between us? Are you serious?" he asked incredulously.

"Yes, nothing," I confirmed.

"You're such an annoying woman," he muttered before storming out of the room, leaving me seething with anger. He had said he was here for me, but he found me irritating.

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