Long Hair Harry Styles

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"I'm serious, Jeff. If I say the word, release it. TMZ, Daily Mail, bloody c-span for all I care" Harry listens to the man on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, dead serious".

Jeff replies in muttered tones.

"We are going out tonight. I'll let you know if there's anything. Mmmmhmm yup, bye."

Harry hangs up and rubs his temples. The last thing he wants to do is go out partying. His head had been pounding since him, Liam, Zayn, and Niall were summoned from the recording studio to Simon's penthouse.

He didn't know Louis was there.

He actually was under the impression Louis was just in a different studio. He could admit to himself that he was in denial that Louis was still doing the therapy. His brain couldn't wrap around it. Surely with broken ribs they can't actually be doing anything?

But as they were sitting in the posh penthouse, and a limping, tense Louis made his way in- he couldn't really be in denial anymore could he?

And seeing Louis.

His Louis.

Break down in a way he had NEVER seen, he would of rather have ripped out his own heart. Louis was always the tough one. Crying or being emotional was usually Harry's role in the relationship.

It went like this.

Step 1: Something fucked up would happen to Harry or Louis

Example: They got voted off x-factor, Eleanor and Caroline (and Taylor and Kendall and blah blah blah), Zayn leaving, the hiatus, the break up, Louis' mum dying, Louis' Dad dying (ya know, to name a few).

Step 2: Harry would cry

Example: One lone tear down his cheeks. Thin sporadic tears. Instant leaky tears. Happy tears. Guttural sobs. Tears that make his eyes go mint green. Tears that make his face splotchy and red. Tears that make snot flow out of his nose (ya know, super cute).

Step 3. Louis would console Harry

That had its own steps

1: Louis would make sure he was not physically hurt

2: Louis would wrap his whole body around Harry (and on a few occasions pull him into his lap, that was Harry's favourite)

3: Louis would ask if he needed validation, a solution, or a listener

4: Harry would pick one and they would work through it and Harry would obviously feel better because apparently Louis Tomlinson is just FUCKING PERFECT.

He's seen Louis tear up and be sad, sure, but never a full on breakdown. That...was tough to put in simple terms. White hot rage, that was how he discovered he reacted to it. He didnt even know how he got from the couch to open palm pushing Simon backwards, hissing threats and blackmail to the man.

Harry told him Louis' therapy (not bloody therapy) was done.

Simon agreed. (He didnt have a choice after what Harry threatened)

Harry is halfway worried he overstepped. Not actually regretting ending it but regretting taking Louis' autonomy with it.

He meant to talk to him.

He tried.

Last night he had went to Louis' room only to see Niall snuggled up next to Louis with his arm around him.

He knows it's nothing. Really, he does. It's nothing. He's like 97% sure.

But when you're hopelessly in love with someone that hates you, it still is hard to see, ya know?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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