Part 4: Wormholes

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Lillie's POV

My eyes open up to see bright morning sunlight. How long have I been unconscious? I wonder. I blacked out last night, so I've been out for hours. 

Hobbes must have carried me up to my room. Mother certainly would not have. "Ah, Miss Lillie, you're awake." I'm startled from my thoughts. Hobbes came up to my room. He gives me an Egg. It is snowy white and has beautiful cloud designs on it. I look out my window. Ouch. I must have fallen harder than I thought. My head hurts when I turn it. I notice that my arm is propped up on a pillow. I move my arm. Double ouch! I think it's  slightly sprained. Don't blame me, blame Mother for buying this house with hard marble floors. 

I see a small portal open up in the sky. I gasp. What is that?! A hoard of creatures lunge out. Are they Pokémon? I wonder. I examine them and jot them down in my notebook. One is like a bunch of wires and cords jumbled together. Another is red and looks like a huge insect. The next one is white and slender. Another is purple and small. The next looks like the purple one, just bigger and it has wings. There are countless others, but one catches my eye. It looks like a jellyfish. It also looks like... me. 

My mother rushes to the window. "Mother! What are you doing in my room?!" I yell. "Never mind that." She breathes. "Now... come to me." The jellyfish-like creature floats over. "I wish that you will trust me enough to do this... it's time to use Pound. Lillie, you mustn't see this." 

The creature nods and strikes me in the head and in my sprained arm. That's the second time I've been knocked out because of her. I can't with her sometimes...

Ash's POV 

I walked into school today to see all my classmates staring at me. I don't know why, but when Lillie walks in, I feel a wave of shyness. Then I notice that her hair is all tangled and her arm is in a sling. Why do I always get this nervous around her??? 

Then, the Professor officially introduces me to my classmates, Mallow, Lana, Sophocles, Kiawe, and, of course, Lillie. All of my classmates are on their cell phones. They're texting furiously at each other. Except Lillie. 

I walk over.  "Lillie?" I say. She looks startled, and says, "N-Nothing..." Hmm... is there something she's not telling me?

A week later...

I've made close friendships with my classmates, but something's not right. I just can't put my finger on it. I caught a bunch of Pokémon, had a bunch of battles, made some new friends, caught up with some old ones...

There must be something I'm missing... 

...but what? 

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