Chance Meeting

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After stopping the drug deal Damian walked back to his apartment. He could tell he was hurt, and couldn't risk another fight. He already figured out what 2 groups were involved in the deal he stopped. Obviously the Jokerz were the buyers, but he was pretty sure Bane's crew were the sellers. If the Jokerz were buying from Bane's crew it could only mean one thing. The Jokerz were trying to buy Venom, and that could only end badly. After he got home Damian took off his costume and laid down. His knuckles hurt, and his hands stung. He couldn't believe Batman could do so much work in a single night. Damian would actually need to train to be able to do more when he went out. After a couple minutes of laying down Damian fell asleep.


Damian was sitting in the principal's office with his mom. His knuckles were bloody and his mom was apologizing to the principal for what he'd done. Damian wasn't sorry though after all he'd had reason to do what he did. A bunch of kids were ganging up on a defenseless kid. Damian had seen them start grabbing at the kid, and before he knew what he was doing he had grabbed one of the bullies. Before long Damian was covered in bruises and blood. The bullies had managed to hurt him a good bit, but Damian ultimately won leaving the bullies knocked out on the ground. Now he was being yelled at and lectured about his violent outburst.

His mom was giving him a look he was used to by now. She knew he wanted to do the right thing, but didn't like how he went about it. His mom was a lawyer, so they didn't always get to spend a lot of time together but she was always there when Damian needed her. This was the 3rd time she'd been called to the school because Damian got into a fight. Damian's dad was alive, but he was always busy with one thing or another. As the principal was discussing what to do with Damian the speakers throughout the school crackled on, and a gunshot rang out. Everyone froze at the noise, and then shivered at the voice that came through the speakers.

"Helloooo! Testing testing. Ahem! Good morning Gotham High this is Joker speaking to tell you all the good news. Batman's making a surprise appearance at your school today! Unfortunately most of you will not be alive when he does. Now if you'll all gather in the gymnasium to meet him. I've made sure to give you pointers so you don't get lost. See you soon. Byeee! Hahahahahahaha!" The unmistakable voice of the Joker rang out throughout the school. For a moment nobody moved then Damian, his mom, the principal, and everyone else ran. When they got into the halls they saw what Joker meant by pointers. At the turns they had to take were bodies strung up, and they'd have one arm outstretched in the direction of the gymnasium. Damian felt sick to his stomach at the sight, and he and pretty much everyone else tried taking the emergency exits or anyway they could really to try and get out, but it was all hopeless.

In the end everyone was gathered in the gymnasium anxious about what was to come. Joker walked in with a pistol in one hand and was followed by a couple of grunts and Harley Quinn.

"Thank you all for coming so urgently. Now I know what you're thinking. What has Batman coming all the way out to our school? Well it's simple it seems someone was sneaking some very potent fireworks into the school. He'll be here soon enough, but while we have the time let's play a little game." Joker said as he aimed his pistol at someone in the crowd.

"Eeney meeny miney moe!" Joker started. A gunshot rang out when he said moe, and Damian heard a thud on the ground and a few people screamed.

"Catch a tiger by the toe!" Joker continued. Another shot rang out at the end. Damian was trying to keep the fear and panic he was feeling from showing on his face.

"If he hollers let him go!" Joker said aiming his gun right at Damian. Damian froze up, but then Joker seemed to notice something. The demented smile that made the clown prince so infamous grew even more. A gunshot rang out and Damian waited for the pain, but it never came. Joker hadn't shot him he'd moved one person to Damian's left, and shot Damian's mom in her chest. Damian started breathing heavily torn between his emotions. He was feeling terrified at the entire situation, completely devastated from his mom being shot, but at the same time he felt an overwhelming amount of rage towards the clown in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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