Tricks and truths

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    A/N: didn't spell check lol

    Scott and Lydia had opened their eyes and were quickly met with Stiles, The Nogitsune more so. The gooey chains unraveled from their ankles as they both fell to their knees due to being released from the pressure. The Nogitsune couldn't help but smile. "You guys went further than we expected. Good job." His heartbeat was steady as he spoke. His last sentence clearly had a sarcastic undertone, as Stiles would've had. That was only one of the two things they had in common. The other was that both of them kept saying we as if they were one.

"Why do you keep saying we? You and Stiles aren't the same, you guys aren't one." Scott said sharply, his eyes piercing into The Nogitsune's. Scott's hands shook with anger. How was it was so easy for him to be angry with someone that wore his friends face?

The Nogitsune looked at Lydia and spoke with a low gravely voice that seemed to echo in the darkness. "Lydia saw your friend in that memory. The one where he twisted and turned that blade right through you." He smirked slightly before he continued. "She knows deep down that's no longer your friend." The Nogitsune began to approach Lydia and Scott. They were both still on the ground...but they weren't sure why. The Nogitsune looked back and forth between the two before he stepped in front of Lydia. He took his hand and lifted her chin up with his icy fingers, causing Lydia to wince in pain. Her eyes finally met with The Nogitsune's. Scott wanted to stand up and put a stop to him but he couldn't get his body to execute the thought. As if The Nogitsune had read Scott's mind, he began to speak arrogantly. "Scott how can you expect to use your abilities this far into someone's head? Nonetheless stand up on your own." Scott hadn't even realized it. As he had previously been able to hear The Nogitsunes steady heartbeat, it had now faded. His smell was off as seemed far too normal. The Nogitsune sighed as he released Lydia's chin from his harsh grasp and walked over to Scott. Lydia's breath was heavy from the release of the pain. She looked over to see him bent down in front of Scott, The Nogitsune's lifeless eyes Piercing into his.

Scott was so weak but so angry. In order to get closer to getting Stiles back, he had no other choice but to entertain this conversation. "So if my abilities are drained or something..." Scott slightly trailed off not fully remembering what The Nogitsune had said. "Then how do you still remain all powerful?" Scott looked up at him with a slight smirk. He knew this would get him to talk, but he also knew that The Nogitsune was aware of this.

The Nogitsune looked at Scott as he sighed as he began to chuckle slightly. His expression almost looking as if he was mocking Scott and the rest of the pack. "You guys really must be as dumb as you look." His hand ran through his slightly greasy hair as his chuckle toned down to a giggle. "Lydia you seriously didn't understand when you looked at him?" The Nogitsune looked at Lydia as she averted her gaze to the floor, she knew just what he was talking about.  She shook just thinking about it and that just made him smirk. "Lydia I know you're not that stupid. So why not enlighten Scott?" He looked at Scott with a pitiful smirk.

Lydia looked to her right and met Scott's confused yet angry gaze. It pierced through her own and she couldn't even muster a weak smile. Her eyes widened, feeling the weight of Scott's stare. She began to speak but each word came out broken. Mixed sentences and feelings. "He...That look- I saw it." Scott's head titled to the side slightly with confusion. Lydia glanced at The Nogitsune who was clearly enjoying this. She knew she was feeding the already growing monster but she didn't care. She needed to tell Scott regardless. "It's not just Stiles anymore..." She muttered softly as she stared at the floor.

    Scott was getting angrier by the second. Why couldn't she just spit it out already!? "What Lydia?" His voice was much louder than her own. It startled her since she hadn't heard a voice that loud in what seemed like days.

Inside the mind of paranoia (editing.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora