fit in the metaphors

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Some days, your emotions no longer fit in the metaphors. You shed all the blood just exactly how they look like. You break just how the way your insides says. But the way you break can't even manifest what's happening behind your ribcage. Your words can't express how exactly your thoughts rumble inside your head.

You wish you could free them all behind the metaphors. You wish you could express them beyond the bars of limitations. But some days, it's the world that tells you that you have no place to go. And that Allāh is the only retreat and refuge of a crying soul.

A point in time, you understand that Allāh is the only One who can Understand you. The rest of the world will be unavailable no matter how they strive to run and save you. Barriers will come and they won't reach you no matter what they do. And the Rabb is the only saving, you should run thereto.

A moment will come when you'd bleed the authenticity of pain. And only to Allāh you would do it to look sane. The rest of the world will never understand. Heart break after heart break will come from them myriad times.

Indeed, only to Allāh, can heart be perfectly understood. Perhaps a many a time I expected that His creation will do was an idea in delude. A moment will come when you have nothing to run to. A moment will come when you'd ultimate realize why to Allāh—you should only rely onto.

—Veiled Poet | fit in the metaphors

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