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Kaela has been in love with her best friend ever since she met her. Though she doesn't know that.

Kaela and Dania met in their second year of high school. Dania was the new kid. That's when Kaela saw her, roaming around the halls, looking for her class. Her soft curls hanging above her shoulders. She was a little taller than Kaela, but from a distance, she looked so short. Her dark, smooth skin looked so soft, her dark brown eyes looking around, lost.

She was beautiful. It was the first thing Kaela thought when she first saw her. Kaela had been with this school since her 4th grade, and going through their elementary, middle, and now high school, she could say she knew almost everyone well, as well as the school. She approached the lost girl, and she decided that she needed to be her friend right away before the self-proclaimed popular kids infected her.

'Hey, do you need help?' Kaela asked the girl, smiling at her. A little too hard for her liking now that she thought about it.

'Uh yeah actually...can you help me find room 3-15?' The girl replied quite low. She wouldn't have heard the girl if it wasn't for the fact that the halls were empty.

'Of course, the first number stands for the floor, so you need to go on the third floor, I'll bring you if you want.' She nodded, and Kaela led her to the class.

'Here it is! I'll go in and tell the teacher that she has a new student, she'll know what to do was nice meeting you.' Kaela smiled at her

'Before you go, what's your name?' She asked Kaela. It surprised her. She didn't think the girl would ever ask her that or even talk to her. She seemed shy.

'Oh! I'm Kaela with an E, and you?'

'I-im Dania'

So cute! Kaela thought.

'Nice to meet you, Dania! I hope we can be friends, "Kaela said, knocking on the door. One of the students opened the door, and Kaela walked in before Dania did. She introduced the new girl to the teacher and turned to her.

'It was nice meeting you, Dania. See you around!' Kaela started to walk away from her before stopping, seeming like she had forgotten something. She walked up to Dania, who was talking to the teacher.

'Dania! I forgot to ask you for your insta'

'I-its kind of complicated, do you have something to write it down?'

Kaela always has a mini note book an pen on her for personal reasons

'Yeah, I do, actually.' she smiles and takes it but her purse. She hears the first warning bell ring and hurries.

'That's the first bell, here you go!'

Dania writes down her account and gives it to Kaela before telling her to go to her own class.

Kaela hurries to her class and sits down in her seat to wait for the next bell. She looks at the piece of paper.

'Oh my god, even her handwriting is pretty,' she thought

'What is?' One of her friends asks her. Did she say that out loud?

'Yes, you did,' her friends replied

'Oh, it's the insta of a new kid,' Kaela replied

'Ooo, can I see??-'

'NO- I mean, no.' Kaela clears her throat

'Why not?'

'I-ill have to ask if she wants me to give it to you,' Kaela said. She didn't know why, but she didn't want to give her friend Dania's instagram account. She didn't want them to steal her. She really didn't understand why she was being like that, but she just ran with it.

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