Chapter 1 - Odette

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Chapter 1 - Odette

"Posture! No prince will marry you with that slouching posture!" Miss Juliane's sharp voice sliced through my daydreams, jolting me back to the reality of the freezing room. I straightened my spine, and forced myself to meet her gaze, though I hated her constant criticism.

"A good queen doesn't spend her days daydreaming, she needs to lead her kingdom while looking regal and beautiful, and your posture is not fitting that requirement. Now straighten up and focus on studying, a good queen knows her people and her kingdom's history."

I suppressed a sigh, not wanting another lecture. The weight of royal expectations have been pressing down on me lately, and sometimes I wish I could go back to being a kid again. Back then it seemed as if nothing mattered, where now, every moment is consumed by the challenge of my future reign. The constant reminders of my duties to my kingdom as a ruler reminding me of the burdens I will have to bear.

Just when I thought I finally escaped the lectures and interrogations, Miss Juliane turned her attention to me once more, and I braced myself for another interrogation. "Who will rule beside you, and help lead the kingdom?" she asked, her gaze piercing through my soul.

I blinked, taken aback by her sudden question. The matter of choosing a King for this kingdom is not a light decision. I have to think about keeping our allies happy, and making sure they will actually be able to rule, but also I want to actually love them. I've heard stories of royalty getting forced into unwanted marriages just for status, and I don't want that to happen to me. "I am still considering my options." I replied with a polite smile.

With an unsatisfied nod, Miss Juliane concluded the lesson and quietly swept out of the room, leaving me alone in the small study. I glanced at the history book laying on the desk in front of me, the worn pages and cover reminding me of the legacy of my ancestors.

Oryn, the kingdom created by the blood, sweat and tears of those who came before me. It was named after the golden colored fields that are scattered throughout the kingdom, and has always stood as a beacon of prosperity and wealth amid an ocean of uncertainty. Yet, beyond our borders lies a collection of neighboring kingdoms, each with its own tales and stories.

The Kingdom of Capri to the east, with its meandering rivers and tranquil lakes, matches the flower covered landscapes of Yolannia, our neighbor to the south. To the west, there is Arabia. Covered in sands from their vast deserts, while in the north, the Land of the Lost. Technically not considered a kingdom as it mainly forest, filled with rumors of ancient magic and adventures you only see in fairytales.

Lost in thought, I barely noticed a soft knock on the door and my mother's gentle voice echoed throughout the room.

"Honey? How did your lesson go?" She asked.

"Oh it was alright. Getting a little sick of it by now though."

"Yes, that is normal. I remember going through the same thing as you, but it will help you become a great queen for the citizens of Oryn." she replied, "I know you have your doubts, but I know you will make a great queen someday."

I looked out the window, the bustling activity of the capitol city unfolded before me, a vibrant burst of life with a golden backdrop of the endless fields beyond.

My mother, Queen Lucille, the daughter of a rich noble family from Yolannia, had created her path by marrying my father, King Jackson at the age of 22. Despite coming from a wealthy and seemingly spoiled childhood, her leadership qualities have always been something people admire.

Turning from the window, I found my mother already grabbing my hand.

"Come. We have some guests for you to meet." She said as excitedly as a teenage girl talking about boys.

She led me downstairs to meet our new guests, while discussing the possibility of potential matches for me.

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