Chapter 9 - Queen Lucille

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As the sun cast its golden glow over the palace, the air was filled with an eerie calmness, that clashed the storm brewing beneath the surface. Twelve days had passed since Odette and Mr. Hillock embarked on their journey to the mysterious Land of the Lost, leaving a void in the palace that even the bustling activities of daily life couldn't fill.

The departure of Sir. Phill and his family, as well as the Arabian royal family, had left the once vibrant halls feeling emptier, their absence accentuating the weight of uncertainty that hung heavy in the air. Despite the effort of continuing normalcy, a sharp tension lingered, fueled by the unspoken fears that slowly gnawed at me.

In the middle of this uneasy atmosphere, Jackson's fondness for Cedrick remained a continuous puzzle for me, his seemingly genuine affection overshadowed by lingering doubts and suspicions. Cedrick's presence, though seemingly benign, carried an aura of enigmatic purpose, almost as if he has some sort of plan that I haven't figured out yet.

From the vantage point of the palace balcony, overlooking the sprawling city below, I found a small break from the mess that has been going on here at the palace. But the tranquility was short-lived, shattered by the piercing screams that tore through the stillness of the afternoon air like a blade slicing through silk.

As the doors to our chamber were violently flung open, the sight that greeted me sent a chill racing down my spine. Cedrick stood before me, his figure cloaked in the crimson hue of betrayal, his hands stained with the blood of palace officials, holding a gleaming sword showing his evil intent.

In a swift motion, Jackson positioned himself between Cedrick and me, planning on shielding me from the looming threat. I heard him whisper in my ear,  "It's going to be ok, my love. I'll keep you safe."

Jackson's voice was tinged with a mixture of disbelief and defiance that rang out against the backdrop of chaos that engulfed us. "What are you doing?" he demanded..

But Cedrick's response was devoid of remorse or emotion, his lips curled into a evil smile, one that would come from the devil himself, as he delivered his plan.

"Your reign is over," he declared, each syllable dripping with contempt. "It is time for a new king."

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