Chapter 54

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I think the rest of this will be Sophie beginning to prefer being with the Neverseen than the Black Swan and the next book will be about Sophie getting captured by the Black Swan and eventually converting back. Every couple of chapters I'll have one about her friends so unless I say it the story will automatically be in Sophie's POV. P.S. This chapter is more about their friendship development and a bit more that I'm not mentioning u have to read to find out...


"It's nice to not have to constantly go out and do bad stuff, I'm surprised Mai let us have 2 days off!" Carter spoke up interrupting Pheonix's 'beautiful' singing.

At the moment we were having well needed leisure time aka sitting on my bed, eating sweets (don't tell Mai or Quan or we'll kill you tonight) and gossiping, or in Pheonix's case singing.

To be quite honest there's so much gossip around here than you would think that were really juicy, like high-school juicy.

"Did you know that Jensi Babblos is cheating on Lora with Cady?" I asked.

"Mhm, I would be deaf not to she was screaming at like 4 am! How did I know about that? She lives next fucking door, I get like 2 hours of sleep, 4 if I'm lucky. Girl is involved in more drama than what should be deemed safe or natural!" Pheonix exclaimed loosing all interest in singing and snatching up a throwing knife.

"Next time she does that she'll become acquainted with this!" She threatened brandishing the knife

"Put it down!" Carter told her, "You wanna hear some more? Jack, he lives a couple rooms down, literal got Natasha pregnant! The baby already has a death order for the moment it's born because it's already been 5 months and the 2 have to get neutered and they have to go on the next suicide mission. To be honest I feel worse for the child who is gonna die the moment he or she is born. Just imagine having a death sentence while your in the womb!"

Jeez poor kids!

We talked about the latest gossip before her expert hearing heard footsteps coming rapidly nearer.

"Shut up someone's coming!" I hissed before drawing a hunting knife.

The 2 nodded and drew their weapons, Carter a short sword and Pheonix throwing stars.

"Who goes there!" I shouted.

"Dudes it Ace, don't get your coats in a twist!" Ace strode into my room.

"Fuck off, your not wanted. Not by me, Sophie, Pheonix or your family!" Carter said.

"Quan wants you three," Was all he said, and with that he walked out.

We looked at each tiger in confusion and shrugged in sync.

We strutted through the halls, all of the agents parting before us as if we were Moses and they were the Red Sea. I just had to

Why? Because since Zach had been murdered (god bless whoever did) we had become the rulers if you took away the adults.

I sat on the corner of Quan's desk with the other 2 sitting in the chairs provided.

"What do you want?' I asked bluntly.

Quan looked nervous and was fidgeting with a pen he was holding "I have a mission for you three but you can't tell Mai, she hasn't authorised it,"

We looked at each other and I EMed them. Dam who knew he could suddenly badass?

The others smiled and Pheonix rolled her eyes.

EMing is something you have done before, we just gave it a name, Eye Messaging. It's sounds so stupid 😂

"Sure what is it?" Carter spoke for us, we had triplet telepathy aswell but there's is more just the stuff that's at the front of our minds but for me I can do it all (we can't talk telepathically though that's why we EM instead).

"There's this girl who tried to rat out our location to the police, luckily her friend convinced her not to and went straight to me about it. She is a member here and she doesn't realise we know what she was going to do so I want you to kill her. I have sent her on a mission to LA with a fake task of killing Piper McLean who is actually in Long-Island right now and I want you three to kill her. When you come back I'll tell everyone that you were on a mission to stop the Black Swan from taking some files we wanted and found her body in a ally-way. Her name is Eliza Prevett, ok?" He asked.

"Sure, why not?" I accepted before jumping off the desk and walking out of the room, Carter and Pheonix in suit...

Hello rat spammers, if ur new welcome and if ur an OG rat welcome back! (I'm gonna call u rat spammers in this bc yk ur a rat spammer if you've read  Marina's stories). How was that? Eliza is named after my ex bully who made me want to kill myself so I thought I could kill her virtually instead as payback. I also don't really have a schedule for updates so you'll get one every 2/3 weeks.

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