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"Thoughts of Nazar"
Damn, why would you really go to gopniks? Well, although not me, Olena beats me for it.
I will have to go home
"Nazar thinks and goes"
So let's summarize what I learned during the day
I found out that Luka should be with my beloved. And besides, the revolution will stop, and how will Luka prepare all this?! It can be seen from his house that he is rich. And in general, what am I asking? . .
"Nazar turned around"
Nazar: and this is you Sanya. Well, why did you stop me? I thought for a moment
Sanya: Vitya, did you hear that, he knows how to think HAHAHAHAHPZHAZAHAZHPPZH!!!!!
Sanya: totally agree bro!!!
Nazar: go to hell
Vitya: what are you talking about!?!!
Nazar: Aah... you won't be able to provoke me into scoring
Sanya: scyclo
Nazar: it's not about fatigue
Sanya: and I understood what you're up to
Nazar: I am not a heeler
Sanya: heel shoe
Nazar: go to hell
"Nazar turned and went home"
Nazar: Mom, Dad, I'm at home!!
Natasha: son, you came on time, I just prepared dinner
Nazar: good now
"Nazar undressed, washed his hands and sat down at the table"
Egor: son, how was your day?
Nazar: very much
Egor: Very? Why so? What happened, Nazar?
Nazar: Father, the fact is that I also have Luka
serious problems. We received letters from the state that assigned us future roles, jobs, meetings, marriages and even the number of children. This is all done without our will and choice. And the worst thing is that Luka should be with Elena, my beloved, whom I love.
Natasha: damn it, I still thought that you would be lucky and us
Egor: This is a really difficult situation. But what can you do in such a situation?
Nazar: Luka suggests that we make a revolution to change this system. He wants us to have freedom of choice and the opportunity to be with those we love. But I don't know how to do it, where to find people and weapons.Yehor: Revolution is a serious matter. It carries great risks and consequences. But I understand that you want to change your future and the future of other people. If you are sure of your goal, then maybe it's worth a try. But be careful and act wisely.
Nazar: Thank you, father. I know it's not easy, but I can't just sit back and watch our future be determined without us. I want to be free and have the opportunity to be with Elena.
Egor: I understand your feelings, son. And I support you. But do not forget about security and the fact that it can be difficult to change the system. Remember the risks and act carefully.
Nazar: Thank you, father. I will be careful. And I will tell Elena about our plans, but I will ensure safety.
Egor: OK, son. Be careful and healthy. I am always here to support you.
Nazar: Thank you, father. I appreciate your support. I will go to Luka and tell him about our conversation.
Egor: Be careful and prudent, son. Always remember that your future depends on your own decisions and actions.
Nazar: Of course, father. I will do my best to change our future.

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