2. Unconscious

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I could hear two men talking, but my eyes were closed.

"How is she?"

"She's fine, she just needs to rest."


I muttered to myself "Newt..."  I guess it was louder than a whisper, cause the two men came rushing over to me, asking so many questions.

"How do you know Newt?!"

"What's your name?"

"Do you remember anything?"

I slowly opened my eyes, and saw the men talking to me.

"Hey, Y/N. We are Clint and Jeff, can you tell us if you remember your name, anything? Anyone?

I took my legs up to my chest, still scared.
I decided to answer them: "uhm, my name is Y/N. I-I remember a-a guy named Newt..." I stuttered. They gave each other a look before looking back at me, and asking "anything else?"

I felt like I could trust these two guys, so I told them about my memory: "I had a memory while I was in the box..It was with a guy named Newt, we were lying on a flower field.." I smiled a bit, but then went back to a neutral face.  "He took a flower and put it behind my ear..And then I told him that I loved him, and he did the same" When I finished talking, i looked up at them and saw that they were looking at me with open mouths, but as soon as they noticed that I wasn't talking anymore, they closed their mouths.

"I-Is something wrong? Did I say anything wrong?" I asked, looking at them. "No, no! It's just that the people here mostly only remember their names...But you remember a whole memory and a person." One of them said. I looked at them, and said: "I uhm, I think that I need some fresh air..." "I'm sorry, but you have to rest." "Let me just get some air!" It came out a bit more harsh than I meant it to, but I really needed to get some fresh air. I guess the hard tone worked, cause they looked at each other and said: "Fine. But don't go anywhere other than just in front of the building." "Thank you." I said, and smiled a little bit.

I opened the door, and saw a lot of guys walking around, working and talking. I looked at everything around me, and saw a big wall that surrounded and closed this place.

I began to breathe more heavily, and small black dots began to slowly formed in my vision...Am I really trapped here?

I tried to walk forward, but felt my legs getting wobblier from every step I took. The last thing I saw was a blonde haired boy running towards me, grabbing me just in time before falling.

I was now unconscious.

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