Chapter 3 - Bonds

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Jeonghan : you sure?

Jeonghan : I hope you remember what happened to Chan

of course : You

I won't want it to happen twice as well : You

I'll have the group separated and will be responsible for anything : You

Jeonghan : you may be desperate after your last one, but don't let it cloud your mind.

Jeonghan : let's not repeat the same past, Cheol

thanks han. trust me, just this time. : You

-End of Flashback-

Shinyu returned to his dormitory building, still reeling from an intense emotional journey earlier in the day. Much to his chagrin, it was one of those rare instances when he found himself unable to contain the surge of emotions that overwhelmed him. Such moments were infrequent enough that each occurrence felt almost surreal, triggering a peculiar, indescribable sensitivity that affected him deeply, stirring his very core in ways he struggled to understand.

The day's events had taken a toll on Shinyu, leaving him with a familiar feeling of emotional exhaustion. Despite the unsettling lunchtime incident, he had managed to persevere through the remainder of his classes. As he carefully placed his bag on its designated hook, he pondered if he had properly apologized to Seungcheol. He realized that Seungcheol might have been made uncomfortable by the undue attention drawn by Shinyu's earlier emotional display.

This worry nearly consumed him until he forcefully snapped out of his reverie, accompanied by a sigh of frustration. Despite his efforts to push these concerns aside, they persisted, lurking in the recesses of his mind, echoing sentiments he had been all too familiar with throughout his life. Automatically, his body moved to shake off the lingering sense of gloom, much as he wished he could wash away his troubles as easily as he could the sweat from his skin.

Behind the curtains drew a shadow of an innocence, whose arrival left an significant impact to the guys known for their friendly nature, a tight circle of thirteen whose bond had withstood countless disagreements and playful exchanges with hardly a scratch.

As Shinyu emerged from the shower, the steam dissipating with the flow of water, he dried off with a dark grey towel before dressing in comfortable tee and shorts. He took a few prescribed vitamin pills, once urged by a doctor with nothing but a genuine concern for him, before sinking into the welcoming embrace of his bed, which had quickly become a sanctuary since his arrival just a few days prior.

His next thought was to catch up with the group chat he had been invited in and unintentionally ignored for a whole day, realizing how much worse it is after noticing the red square behind the big numbers.

 Cream Puff Bread




EyesOfTiger : it's also his favorite apparently

EyesOfTiger : i bought him one yesterday 💅

Wonuu : bitch back off

Dinosaur : I wanna eat with Shinyuuu :(

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