Part 1 - What the-

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I wake up at around 7:30 am, stretching and finally getting out of bed

"Ugh.....I hate school"

I move along and brush my teeth, get dressed and get ready for school. Grabbing my bluetooth connect earphones the last second

"Bye mom!" I yelled

"Bye sweetie, be safe." my mom yelled back

later on, I meet with my friend Melanie and we go to school together, as usual

"Could you belive what that bitch said?? Like, I cannot belive she got with him." Melanie said

"Yeah, I mean. Sarah was always a bit weird, eh? I cannot belive that she pulled Peter"  I said. Me and Melanie always liked to gossip a bit.

And finally. We got to school. Place we all called hell, but it was better than home atleast

Maths class was first, then biology, history,....followed along with some other subjects

Annnnd finally, the school day was over

Now the worst time. Home. Mom was always caring and kind, but dad......rather not to talk about him

And there it goes, as I get back home, I go straight up my room and throw the backpack on the floor. Hearing shouting and arguing downstairs agan, typical.

I tried to get it off my mind

As I stared at my computer for quite a long time, I hear my mom go to work as she had a night shift. And after so 30 mins later my dad going somewhere to the bar

As I still stared at my computer, that's when I got an idea to try and summon BEN Drowned. 

Ofcourse, after going to cleverbot and trying and trying...


'Sorry, I cn't understand that.'

"Ugh, this is all bullshit!! I knew that google lied to me." I said in dissapointment. Then deciding to go to the kitchen and make myself a sandwich or so, being hungry as hell.

After  about 10 mins of making myelf sum to eat and finally eating it, I go back upstairs to my room and stare at my computer, concerned.

"What the fuck-" I said, confused more than anything.

The screen of my computer was completly black, with a red text in the middle saying: 

"you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

"The fuck-"

Suddenly, my computer's screen flashed brighter than my future

There was something- no. Someone. And that someone was coming out.

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