Chapter 5 - Odette

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Sir. Louis and I headed off on our journey towards the Land of the Lost, stuck within the confines of one of the kingdom's royal carriages. As we settled in, I noticed a shift in Louis's behavior. Initially we seemed confident and emitted an aura of strength, whereas now he appeared burdened by something and his stature changed into one of fear.

As I looked out the window I remembered a small detail from earlier today. Before leaving the palace, Cedrick, with his deathly gaze, had given me a warning that lingered like a shadow in my mind. His words, laced with a mixture between concern and amusement, left me wondering about his true intentions of being in Oryn.

Had I made a mistake by committing to going to the Land of the Lost and why did Cedrick seem so amused? Was there more to Louis's selection than met the eye?

The mystery deepened as I thought about Louis's involvement in our mission. Unlike the soldier and trusted advisors typically enlisted for a task like this, Louis was considered a newcomer to the inner workings of the Royal Court, and he is a commoner from a foreign kingdom. How had he managed to bypass the traditional advancement to secure a place alongside royalty?

As I thought about these questions, a sense of unease settled in the pit of my stomach, constantly nagging that there is more to Louis's story than what's on the surface.

Throughout the journey, our interactions remained sparse, enveloped in a deathly silence interrupted only by the sounds of the carriage. While I drifted in and out of sleep, I couldn't help but wonder what Louis was thinking about as he constantly gazed out the carriage window, his fiery red hair glowing in the sun.

Wanting to bridge the gap of awkwardness between us, I decided to attempt to start a conversation. "So, I've heard you are from Pellionia. What's it like there?"

His gaze shifted from the passing scenery to meet mine, it was as if his hard expression softened as he looked at me. "Pellionia is a place full of contrasts, unlike the peaceful weather of Oryn. The climate can range between blistering heat in the south to freezing in the north, it really just depends on where you are from. Your Majesty." His acknowledgment of my Royal status made the air slightly uncomfortable as he gave me a respectful nod and returned to looking out the window.

Breaking the silence again, I said, "Louis, you don't have to use formalities. We should be equals on this journey. You may call me Odette."

A slight smile formed on his lips and I could see the light in his eyes, "I would appreciate that, Odette." He replied, his tone filled with kindness and genuine happiness.


After enduring another long 2 hours of travel, we finally reached the border between Oryn and the Land of the Lost. Louis, being a gentleman, took my hand and helped me out of the carriage, even though I was perfectly able to do it myself. "My lady," he said, as I exited the carriage.

"Thank you, kind sir," I replied, attempting to lighten the mood between us.

Standing before the entrance to the Land of the Lost felt like stepping into another time. The dense foliage and trees loomed over us like a barrier, the trees seemed to have a never-ending canopy shrouding the unknown.

While Louis busied himself with gathering food, and organizing it in his small bag, I surveyed the forest ahead, attempting to shake the nervousness that was building inside me. The realization that this place has existed in obscurity for so long amazed me, in that it has remained untouched for so long.

"Are you prepared for what lies ahead?" Louis's voice broke the stillness of the air.

Summoning a polite smile, I replied, "Yes, as ready as I'll ever be."

And so, we ventured forth into the shadows and unknowns of the Land of the Lost.

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