Chapter 14 - Eliana

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The passage of time weighed heavily upon us like a leaden shroud, each day stretching into eternity as we waited in a shadow of uncertainty and fear. It had been 38 days since Louis had departed, leaving behind an aching void in my heart that echoed with the silent agony of his absence.

In the wake of his departure, the kingdom had descended into chaos and despair, the once vibrant streets now haunted by violence and oppression. It had been 24 days since the brutal murder of the King and Queen, a heinous act that had shattered the very foundation of our kingdom.

In their absence, King Cedrick had seized the throne, his self-proclaimed reign casting a dark cloud over the kingdom. With the rightful heir, Princess Odette, lost to the Land of the Lost, Cedrick had seized the opportunity to assert his dominance, his iron grip tightening with each passing day.

But amidst the turmoil and unrest, a flicker of hope remained, a beacon of light amidst the encroaching darkness. Many still prayed for Odette's return, their voices rising in protest against the tyrannical rule of King Cedrick. Yet, their cries fell upon deaf ears, drowned out by the clamor of violence and oppression that gripped the kingdom in its merciless embrace.

Within the confines of our house, the silence echoed with the weight of our grief and longing. Louis's absence loomed large, an absence that hung heavy in the air like a cloud. I couldn't shake the gnawing fear that he might never return, his fate as uncertain as that of our beloved kingdom.

Mother, once a pillar of strength and resilience, had become a mere shadow of her former self, her eyes haunted by the specter of loss and despair. I would often find her staring out the window, her gaze fixed upon the horizon as if willing Louis to return with each passing moment.

But as the days stretched into weeks, our hope began to fade, like a flickering flame slowly being deprived of oxygen. The kingdom crumbled under King Cedrick's oppressive rule, its once vibrant spirit crushed beneath the weight of his tyranny.

Yet, despite the overwhelming odds stacked against us, a glimmer of hope still lingered within my heart. I refused to give in to despair, clinging to the belief that Louis would return, and with him, the promise of a brighter tomorrow. But as each day passed in agonizing silence, that hope grew ever more fragile, like a delicate flower struggling to bloom amidst the desolation of winter's embrace.

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