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Opposite the row of dark vehicles is the tunnel Sloan drove us through en route to the start of the marathon.

"So if this whole facility is under the reflecting pool," I say. "That car elevator we rode must be...underneath the Washington Monument?"

"Correct," says Dr. Khan. "The shape of the Washington Obelisk is mirrored directly below itself in the earth."

"So wait, last night when we were in the car on that elevator, we were suspended over a pit that goes down...how far?" says Ainsley.

"Five hundred feet," says Dr. Khan.

Ainsley swallows.

I blink. Wow.

"Come along," says Dr. Khan, motioning for us to follow her into the tunnel leading back down to the library. I start to follow, but then Ainsley motions for me to stop.

"Um, no. We're still waiting for that proof you promised," says Ainsley.

Is the underground miracle we're standing in not proof enough? But yes, technically, she's right. We were promised proof of the power of chronopathy. All we've seen so far is the power of this architectural marvel. Which is impressive. But not magic.

"Very well," says Dr. Khan.

She nods at Sloan, who produces an tablet, like a magician, from nowhere. Or maybe he knew Ainsley would ask this question now, and he was ready with the device inside his suit jacket.

"An iPad? Really?" says Ainsley, plainly surprised. "That's the first screen I've seen you people use."

"We are not afraid of technology, if that's what you're implying," says Dr. Khan, lifting her chin. "Though we do prefer the old to the new, since the old was, by definition, created when the universe was in a state of lower disorder." She motions toward the tablet, which Sloan is logging into. "And yes, we avoid screened devices when possible. We do not like to rely on electricity."

"Don't you need electricity for, like, the elevator and chronolocks? And oh yeah, all the death traps?" asks Ainsley.

"The Washington Obelisk was completed in 1848. These mechanisms predate electricity as a source of power. No, they are powered by time," says Dr. Khan

Powered by time. Like what Sloan said about the elevator from the Bullfinch House.

"Sorry, did you say powered by time?" asks Ainsley.

Sloan holds out the screen tablet to me. I take it and find it open to an article on BBC.com.

"Yes," says Dr. Khan. "That's why leap year was created. All the guilds power basic operations from their allotment of the global interval captured in lost time every February 29th."

"Of course," says Ainsley sarcastically. "Makes total sense."

"Hey," I say, looking at the tablet. "You all are going to want to see this article."

Ainsley turns to me. "What is it?"

"It's about Victoria Tudor, the person Dr. Khan promised would be healed..." I start skimming the story.

"Read it out loud!" says Wally.

"Okay," I say. I'm already a few sentences in, so eager to keep going. I begin reading aloud in the middle of a sentence. "...sources described it as a miracle, saying she was brain dead when she quite suddenly opened her eyes and sat up in bed. Tudor later released a statement, saying she's fully recovered and intends to return to her research immediately..."

I trail off.

"The proof I promised you," says Dr. Khan. "Victoria Tudor is a luminary whose light once again burns bright, shining hope on the future of humanity."

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