The Devils Daughter is a Disney Princess!?

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The cold hard concrete met her with the force of a raging storm, her eye was on the ground in front of her.

"There's no place for someone like you in heaven." Lute grinned as she grabbed hold of Vaggie's wings and ripped them from her back, then landed a swift kick to the gut for good measure. Adam took her halo from atop her head and turned to leave, but not before giving her the most apathetic glare he could. Vaggie laid there for a while, an hour maybe, but she eventually pulled herself up from the ground and shed her exorcist armor and uniform. She hobbled through the alley, barely managing to stay upright. Her knees felt like they were made of rubber, like they were about to give out. The cold ground crashed into her knees, bruising and cutting them, she held her empty eye socket, the pain making her lightheaded. Vaggie leaned back against a dumpster, feeling her own heartbeat in her throat, her vision was blurred and murky, but she made out the silhouette of a figure before she blacked out...

Vaggie's head felt like it was rung like a gong, her temples hurt, her jaw felt like it was broken, and not to mention the pain in her eye socket. A warm hand was placed onto her shoulder which caused Vaggie to flinch and pull away from whatever touched her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, I just, I, I wanted you to feel safe, but I fucked it up, sorry." Muttered a sweet voice, Vaggie turned and looked straight into the eyes of what she perceived as a true angel. The woman had long blonde hair, ruby red eyes, and wore a red tux. Vaggie scooted back slightly away from the blonde, her mind still reeling from Adam and Lute's attack, the blonde reached out with a gentle smile and placed a tentative hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's ok, I won't hurt you, I'm Charlie, what's your name?" Charlie asked, her voice was smooth like silk, her eyes as gentle as a bird. Her skin was smooth against Vaggie's bare shoulder, that's when it hit her, she's been sitting there topless the entire time.

"I-I'm sorry," Vaggie muttered, instinctively wrapping an arm around her chest, instead of feeling her bare skin Vaggie felt a bandage. She looked up to Charlie who had a blush creeping across her face.

"I didn't look, I promise, but I did have to take your shirt off to dress your back wounds, sorry." Charlie muttered, the crimson hue of her face deepening as she apologized in a small meek tone.

"I-it's fine, I'm Vaggie,"

"Nice to meet you Vaggie." Charlie said with a wide, friendly smile.

"Now why don't I get you a change of clothes, you're still covered in your own blood." Charlie squeaked, her voice high in pitch, Vaggie looked down and saw her pants still stained a dirty gold from her blood. How can you not tell I'm an exorcist? She thought, as she looked up at Charlie her single remaining eye began to well up with tears of gratitude.

"H-hey, no need to cry, uhh, what to do." Charlie muttered to herself, clearly stressing over Vaggie bursting out into tears.

"I'm fine, i-it, I'm fine, just something's in my eye." Vaggie whispered as she rubbed her eye. Without warning Charlie unbuttoned her tuxedo jacket and draped it over Vaggie's shoulders while giving her a reassuring smile.

"Wear that while I get you a new change of clothes, some food and water, yes I know it's going to be a bit big on you, but just wear it till I can get you some fresh clothes, kay?" Charlie asked, her positive attitude was infectious and made Vaggie give a shy smile...

Charlie's hands worked diligently to find a decent shirt and pants for Vaggie, her mind was reeling with possibilities of what had happened to the poor woman. Was she attacked by exorcists, mafia, no I need to focus and find her some clothes food and water. She thought to herself. She picked out a long white shirt, a pair of black shorts, and a pair of mismatched socks, it would have to do for now. She lifted the folded laundry into her arms and brusquely strolled back to Vaggie, sitting it down on the foot of the bed.

"Here's some clothes, get changed if you can, I'll be back with a snack and some water for you, kay?" Charlie rambled out, her fast paced way of speaking not really helping to calm Vaggie's nerves. Vaggie tentatively took the clothes from the foot of the bed, looking up at Charlie with an apprehensive look.

"Oh yeah, you need privacy, I'm sorry, not used to having someone else here, I'll be back with some food and water for you." Charlie beamed as she turned and strolled out the door, shutting it softly behind her. Charlie's smile fell as she closed the door, her heart ached for Vaggie, clenching at the thought of what she endured. Charlie mindlessly dug through the cupboard for a snack or something, then it hit her, craft mac'n cheese. She hurriedly cooked the food, grabbed a bottle of water and a tray, then brusquely walked back to the room.

"Hey, I got some warm food and a water here, can I open the door?" Charlie asked as she knocked on the door.

"Y-yes, you can come in."  Vaggie muttered from the other side of the door, Charlie with an expert hand opened the door with one hand and held a tray in the other.

"I got you some craft mac'n cheese, hope you like it." Charlie beamed, her infectious smile cause Vaggie to crack a small one as well. Vaggie with a shaky hand reached out for the tray, Charlie pulled back slightly, not wanting Vaggie to spill hot mac'n cheese on herself.

"Here let me, I don't want you spilling this on yourself, it would be a nasty burn." Charlie said as she gently placed the tray on Vaggie's lap.

"There you go, enjoy." Charlie beamed, Vaggie's face lit up slightly at the sight of food...

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