Baby Steps

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Charlie could barely sleep, not when she knew Vaggie couldn't sleep either. She stood and made her way to the door, softly opening it and stepping out into the darkened hall, her eyes began to glow like an imp, another connection to her heritage as princess of hell. As she approached Vaggie's door she focused and made her eyes stop glowing, she gently pushed open the door and leaned inside.

"Hey, you awake?"

"Y-yes, guessing you can't sleep as well?" Vaggie muttered, her voice was so quiet it was barely audible, Charlie's heart broke as she heard how fragile Vaggie's voice sounded. She gingerly reached down and took Vaggie's hands into hers and pulled her to her feet.

"Well why don't we go watch a movie? I often do that when I can't sleep then fall asleep halfway through the movie." Charlie said with a small smile, not sure if Vaggie would be comfortable with it. Vaggie sheepishly nodded her head, Charlie's face lit up like a Christmas tree as a wide happy smile played across her lips.

"Ok, come on, you can even choose the movie." Charlie beamed as she led Vaggie out of the room and down the dark hall to the small cinema room...

After a couple of hours of movies Vaggie still hadn't fallen asleep, she was sat next to Charlie, who was knocked out by the second film, she was still awake, at the mercy of her memories.

"You're nothing, worthless, a traitor ..." She muttered to herself, the cold touch of failure lingering in the air. Something fuzzy and warm brushed against her arm and gingerly placed a blanket around her shoulders, she looked up to see a small goat thing holding a pillow. It handed the pillow to her before cuddling up next to her and Charlie.

"Qué demonios eres?" Vaggie asked, her Latina roots seeping through her broken emotional voice. The goat gently snuggled up against her side, nuzzling her to pet it.

"Y-you want me to pet you?" She asked, the goat nodded and looked up at her with wide, innocent eyes. She gingerly placed a hand on its head and used her fingers to scratch the top of its head. For some reason the soft fur of the goat made Vaggie start to feel tired, like she was going to fall asleep, she fought the urge to sleep for as long as she could, but eventually it overwhelmed her and she fell asleep while cuddling the small goat thing...

Charlie rolled over and sat up, shaking the rats nest that is her messy blonde hair. She looked to her left and saw the most adorable sight in the world, Vaggie cuddled up with Razzle tucked under her arm.

"Awwww!" Charlie had to muffle herself with her hand to prevent herself from being audible and waking Vaggie by accident, Dazzle gingerly got up from his spot on the bed and curled up next to Vaggie and Razzle, making Charlie die of even more cuteness. She gingerly stepped out of the room, not wanting to disturb the pile of cuteness on the bed. As she exited into the hallway she felt her phone buzz in her pocket, reluctantly pulling it out Charlie checked the bright screen in the dim hallway.

Text me when you get the chance, please?

Charlie rolled her eyes at Lucifer's texts, he really expects her to text him back after the argument hey had the previous night. Sorry dad, but I have someone to take care of, Charlie thought to herself, pressing and holding the power button on her phone to turn it off. The apple red glow faded as she slipped the crimson device into the pockets of her pants. She lazily made her way to the kitchen, nearly stepping on KeeKee in the dark and apologizing to the cat profusely.

The coffee machine whirred and sputtered as it produced what Charlie liked to call 'dirty bean water'. KeeKee gave Charlie the bombastic cat side eye as she chugged a cup of coffee at two in the morning, Charlie didn't care, she simply ignored the grumpy one eyed feline and continued to drink her midnight coffee.

"Can you stop staring at me now?" She asked, KeeKee continued her unamused glare. Charlie glared daggers back at the cat, not caring that the cat didn't approve of her nightly habits. The cat reached forward and took a swing at Charlie's mug, to which Charlie stepped back away from the counter.

"KeeKee, I don't want coffee on the floor and I don't want it all over me, stop it, jeez I see why Seviathan hated you." She muttered, KeeKee continuing to glare at her from the counter.

"I'm sorry KeeKee, I shouldn't have said that." Charlie murmured, placing a gentle hand on KeeKee's and gently scratching KeeKee with her nails.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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