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"I do things on my own, and that's just how I like it. I don't need anyone else to get by. But sometimes...." - Knuckles the Echidna; Sonic Frontiers Prologue: Divergence


Our whole childhood we are told that we can do anything, if we set our minds to it. That nothing is impossible, as long as we do the work.

But they don't tell us the hardships that we have to face. They don't tell us how hard it is to actually get there. Taxes, peers, distractions, pain, taxes.


I'm Y/N L/N, and I know all about these. No one said it was easy being an orphan.

Edgy fanfic list? Ready? GO!

Shoulder-length hair, jet black? Check. Pale face? Check. Shadows under red eyes? Check.

Superhero parents? Check.

My mother was....intense. She cared, in her own way. But it was hidden. Her first instinct whenever I got hurt was to freeze the limb to cut off blood flow, and "pain neurons." Head injuries were a real pain in the ass.

My father openly hated me. Took every chance he got to whip out the ol' belt. Sometimes, if I really fucked up, he would punch me. With super strength.

You can image my relief when they died. That's what I felt at first. No more restrictions, no more problems. I could do whatever the fuck I wanted.

And yet, they were known superheroes. And that made me a prime target for all things crime lords, heroes, mercenaries, government agencies, supervillains, etc. etc.

At 14 years old.

Why? Because I can literally do whatever the fuck I want. I have every known power in existence.

Check that off the edgy fanfic list. Except it's real for me. Should be awesome.

It wasn't. Without my parents to train me, I was left unstable for two years until I taught myself how to control it. Normally, in these types of stories, I would be left unstable for the majority of the story. Until I unlock the 11th-Hour Superpower at the end of the climax and the MC wins! Yay!

But no. No, I taught myself. Against my enemies.

I became known as Deathcaller, the most dangerous vigilante in all of Capital City. Killing criminals and villains in brutal, gory fashion. Leaving a message written in their blood. Never leaving a trace, someone get me anti-depressants-

Heroes, villains, agents, thugs. They were all sent to intercept me and take me in.

Killed all the thugs and agents and villains. Neutralized the heroes. Some heroes from that damn school were sent after me as well. (More on that later.) You would think they would be hilariously incompetent. They weren't. They knew what they were doing.

But they didn't know me. I left them for the school to find. I'm pretty sure they all recovered.

My parents were planning for me to attend the USHT, or University for Super-Hero Training when I turned 18. You can see how well that turned out.

Oh, but you don't know my powers! As this story goes on, more will be used, but I am able to use all of them at the beginning. Overpowered.

Strength, laser eyes, intelligence, automatic prowess with any weapon, instant access to all known LIGHTSABERS and able to use them, JARVIS BUT EMBEDDED IN MY BRAIN, etc. etc.

I can do it all. Which is good for a vigilante because you need to be quick. And efficient.

This is the story of how I died.

...Yeah let's not go with that. Maybe how I died inside and became a newer, kinder person? Let's go with that.

I probably should have done this sooner, but it's time for the PERSONALITY CHECK!!!

Cynical, witty, passive-aggressive, jaded. Kind of a dick. Or so I've been told.

That is Deathcaller.

Junior21135: Wow okay. This is the introduction to Deathcaller, our MC! Or should I say you? In all seriousness, I cannot wait for this story to begin, I've had it in my head ever since I read Twisted (Male Reader x Super Hero Harem) by Phienix0629. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!!!

By no means is this a rewrite, remix, or an adaptation! It is my inspiration! This is completely different from that book. Keep on doing what you do my guy!

Sadly you'll have to wait until the after the next chapter, which lists the characters(and love interests huehuehue). NOT ALL FEMALE CHARACTERS WILL BE LOVE INTERESTS! I will list whether they are in their description.

Please let me know if you like where this is headed, and comment down below if you have any plot points that I should add!

Also, I feel like I should point out that I don't have a set update schedule. While I would love to, my personal life is too hectic for me to have a hold on my story. Please be patient if I'm gone for a little bit, be it weeks or months. I'm still here. There is a reason I couldn't write until 6 months after I joined! :)

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