Introduction Chapter

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*Hello everyone. It's been a minute since I've posted or updated.
This chapter maybe a bit hard to read, and a bit long. It's been so long since I've written anything, that I'm a bit rusty. So this chapter was just me jumping right back into it.*

Staring at the ceiling and trying to find patterns in the designs, Jimin sighed heavily as his alaram clock begin to buzz loudly through out the empty rooms.
Reverberating off the walls, and makin the echo almost unberable.
He lazily lifted himself from where he was laying and sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed his phone from the bed side table and slid the button across the screen to silence the annoying sound.

He then unlocked his phone and looked through his notifications. He slid most of them away, until he reached a text message he had recieved from his sister.

"Jimin, this is getting serious, I need to respond or call me soon. Please. If you are going to shut us all out, at least say confirm it, so I can make the decisions I need to make."

He let out another sigh with a mix of a groan as he tossed his phone over his shoulder and it landed with a soft thud on his bed.
He ran his hands through his hair as he finally stood from the bed and looked around the room.
There was nothing left to do now but move on with his day, the more he stood still, the more the thoughs invaded the inner corners of his mind and caused his thoughts to run a hundred miles an hour, and he couldn't handle that anymore.
At least not for the moment.

*Later that morning*
After getting ready for the morning, Jimin was finally out and about for what needed to be done for the day.
After two bus trips, and a walk through town, he was finally arriving to his studio.
He fished his keys from his pocket and unlocked the door and stepped inside.
Kicking the wet snow from his boots as he looked up to see, Lee Jihyun, approaching him with a pair of sneakers, as she did every morning.
"Good morning, Jimin." she spoke softly with a smile as she bowed slightly.
Jimin returned her smile as he slipped the boots from his feet and gladly took the sneakers from her. "Good Morning Ji. I take it everything is ready for opening." he speaks softly to her as he slips the sneakers on.
"Yes but.." Jihyun starts as she begins to trail off.
"But what?" he questions as he walks behind the counter and makes his way over to the table where the coffee and water is kept. He poured himself some coffee and sighed contently as the warm beverage hit the back of his throat.

"Your sister has already called three times this morning looking for you. I really think..."
But Jihyun is cut off as Jimin lifts a finger in an indication for her not to continue as he sipped his coffee.
"I dont have time to think about my sister right now." he sighs as he sits the coffee down on the table and runs his hand through his hair before putting it up out of his face.

Jihyun sighed as she watched him as he tried several times to tie up his hair so it was all out of his face. After the third failed attempt, she giggled softly as she took the elastic hair tie from him and began to help him get his hair out of his face.
"You can't keep avoiding this like you do everything else, Jimin. You need to face this, and your sister needs you right the most." Jihyun speaks barely above a whisper as she continues to tie up his hair.
Jimin sighed as he felt his heart sink. He put his hands on her arms as he looked up to her eyes and gave her a half smile.
Jihyun felt her heart pick up slight speed as she finished tying up his hair, but didnt move from where she was as he looked into his eyes. For a moment she felt frozen, and lost in the moment.
Jimin clears his throat as he stands up straight again and holds his hand out for hers with a slight smile.

"We should warm up before our class arrives for the day."
Jihyun nodded and smiled as she slid her hand slowly into his and allowed him to lead her onto the dance floor.


On the other side of town, Jung Hoseok is already a few hours into his shift at the hospital.
He sat straight at his desk, and scrolled through the test results of his most recent patient. He sighed as he sipped his coffee.
More bad news to be delievered, and it wasn't even half way through his shift for the day.
He leaned back in his chair as he sat his coffee cup on his desk and tapped his finger on the side of his laptop impatiently.
Sometimes he wondered why he even became a doctor. He wanted to save lives, and do good in this bleak and cruel world. But it seemed lately all he was doing was failing everyone around him.
Suddenly there was a light tap on his office door.
"Come in..." he says after a moment and prepares to deliever the news that he was tasked with giving.
"Good morning, Doctor."
Hoseok smiled as he motioned to the chair for the young woman to sit as he stood respectfully and waited for her to take her seat.
"Good morning Miss Park. Can I get you a water or a coffee before we begin?"
"No thank you, Doctor. Please just get to it."
"Very well." he sighs as he sits down in his chair once she was sitting down in hers.
For a moment he scanned over her facial features. She seemed full of hope, and was hanging on the edge of the moment as she waited for what he was going to tell her.
For a slight second, he felt his heart shatter as he knew, despite how hard they have worked, all the options, treatments, and things they have done, it was all for not in the end. And he had to tell her this. He had to tell her that despite the exhaustion, sickness and trials, that there was still nothing that could be done in the end.
"Miss Park...."
"The cancer is back. Isn't it?" the young woman says matter of factly as she grabs a tissue from her purse in preperation for the news.
Hoseok simply nods as he turns his computer monitor around to show her the xray from the last set of labs and tests the hospital had performed.
"Unfortunately..." he says softly as he zooms in on the tumors that were spread through the brain that was up on the screen. "We can perform the surgery, but even then its risky and no guarntee. We can adminster medication for the pain, and other medication in hopes they may shrink. But..."
"How long?" the girl asks as she wipes at her eyes with the tissue. Her voice shakey with sadness and slight fear as she clears it, in hopes to mask her emotions.
"6 months with treatment and surgery options. Less if nothing is done."
The girl simply nods as she looks down as she grabs her bag and stands. "Thank you for everything you've done, Doctor. I will call later with the decision. I just need a moment to think it over."
"I understand." Hoseok says simply as he stands as well.
With no other words spoken, the girl simply turns on her heel and walks out.
Once the door is closed behind her, Hoseok sits back down and puts his face in his hands.
Not even giving him a moment to gather his thoughts or what he needed to next, the door to his office opened again, and the sound of shuffled feet filled the air.
He sighed annoyingly as he looked up to the man who was now in his office.
"Chairman." he says with no emotion as the man takes his seat in front of Hoseok's desk.
"Chairman?" the man repeats with a question. "I thought you didn't see me as the Chairman." he chuckles sarcastically.
"What is it now, father. I am very busy today." Hoseok sighs as he stands and walks over to the window and crosses his arms as he looks out amongst the hospital grounds.
"You didn't forget about the company party this evening did you?"
"How I could I. Its all you and eomma have spoken about for the last month."
"I want you to make the annoucement tonight."
Hoseok turns to his father in shock and took a moment to carefully find his words in response.
"I won't hear any arguements, Hoseok. You'll make the annoucement tonight."
"Are you standing aside then appa, so I may run this hospital how I want?"
Hoseok's father stood with a smirk as he adjusted his tie and clicked his tongue to the roof of his mouth.
"You're not quite ready to be Chairman, son."
"Then I am not quite ready to make an annoucement on a huge life event that I want no part of."

Anger washed over his father's face as his lip curled and his fist balled at his side.
"You will make the annoucement, or you will lose your career."
And with no further words to be spoken, Hoseok's father turned and walked out, slamming the door loudly behind him, leaving Hoseok standing there with a loss for words or a way to navigate his next move.

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