Chapter 2

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Hoseok rolled over as the sound of his alarm went off, groaning loudly at his neglagance of turning the damn thing off on his day off.

He reached for the phone on the bed side dresser and slid his finger across the screen to silence the irritating noise.

Once the quiet atmosphere returned, he sighed contently and pulled the blanket over his head and began to settle back in for some much needed sleep.

But as soon as he felt himself drifting off, he heard the code to his door being entered and his eyes flew open. No one other than his parents knew the code to his apartment. And they would normally call before coming over.

It was then the sound of heels tapping on his hardwood floors begin to fill the air.

For a moment he thought maybe it was indeed his mother, and that she was here after what happened between him and his father, knowing she could coax the two of them into doing anything she says.

As Hoseok tried to gather his thoughts on what to do or say, the bedroom flung open and hit the wall with a loud thud.

As he sat straight up, he came face to face with a woman he didn't recognize.

"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my house? How did you get my code?"

The girl scoffed as she kept direct eye contact with him and crossed her arms as she leaned against the door frame.

"How much did you drink last night that you are still acting this way this morning?" she rolled her eyes as she pushed off the door frame and made her way over to Hoseok and began to fluff his messy bed head and giggled slightly.

But Hoseok could only recoil in shock that this woman felt like she could reach out and touch him so boldly.

"I dont know who you are, but while I am asking nicely, you should leave my apartment, or I will call the police...."

The girl hesitantly pulled her hand back and scoffed once more as her facial expression turned slightly hurt.

"You are serious right now?" she asks as she stands straight up and taking her purse from shoulder and tossing it onto the bed.

"Stop acting so casual with me, first you break into my aparment, you touch me, and now you refuse to leave. Did you follow me home from my father's party and watched me put my code in, is that how you got in?"

"Jimin, stop it, you are acting weird..."

Hoseok took a moment to process the name she just called him.

Jimin. No he very much heard her correctly, she had called him Jimn.

"Lady, I dont know who has paid you to prank me, but I am not Jimin."

For the minute the girl seemed to look confused as she still continued to stare straight into his soul with her eyes.

Confusion fell over her face as began to laugh and shake her head.

"Good one, Jimin. You must be really hungover right now, I kinda gathered from all the text messages you sent me. I'll forgive that and this as well. Go shower and sober up, I'll order you some hangover food and drive you to work."

The woman then grabbed her purse from the bed once again and grabbed her phone from the bag and turned on her heel and walked out of the room before Hoseok could protest.

For a moment he sat there confused. He tried to retrace his steps from the night last night. After his arguement with his father, he doesn't remember much after what happened.

Maybe he was still drunk.

No. Impossible. He doesn't drink, the taste of acohol was never something that appealed to him.

Although, he may have made an exception from the arguement with his father.

He knew sitting here in his bed he wasn't going to get any answers.

Maybe he did get a little drunk and looked to her for company. Maybe Jimin was an alas he made up on the fly to protect his reputation and ultimately his fathers as well.

He groaned as he knew the only way he was gonna get answers is if he went out there and talked to the woman.

It was then he really took a glance around his room and noticed, he wasn't in his room at all.

And now it made sense to him as to how she got the password to his apartment, this was very clearly her apartment.

He sighed a sigh of relief as things slowly started to make sense.

But it was then he stood up from the bed to see his reflection in a tall standing mirror that was placed by the closet.

He gasped rather loudly at the man staring back at him. Because who was staring back at him, wasn't his reflection at all.


Jihyun made her way into her kitchen to begin her normal routine.

She yawned still half asleep as she turned on her coffee machine so her morning coffee could brew.

As that was going she walked her way over to the fridge, sighing annoyingly at the empty sight and scolding herself for not grocery shopping the night before like she was going to do.

Closing the fridge she took out her phone and placed an online order for a quick breakfast.

She didn't plan on leaving her apartment today on her day off, but it seems she was going to have to make one quick trip.

Suddenly loud knocks started coming from her living room door.

She jumped and yelped slightly at the sudden break in the quiet and the severity at which the knocks were going.

She quickly made her to living room door and looked into her security camera as the knocking stopped suddenly.

"Jihyun, please open the door. Something weird is happening and I need your help..."

Jihyun took a step away from her front door as she watched the man on the camera try to keep himself up right with the help of her front door. He spoke so casually and knew her by her name.

But Jihyun had never seen this man a day in her life. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 31 ⏰

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