Chapter 18 - Odette

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As George, Louis, and I ventured through the winding passages of the Crystal Caves, the ominous black entrance loomed before us. Louis, with a flick of his wrist, conjured a magical flame, illuminating our path ahead.

"Ready?" Louis called out, his voice echoing in the cavernous darkness.

"Yep," George replied, his tone determined.

Step by step, we entered the cave, enveloped in absolute darkness except for the flickering fire in Louis's hand. As we delved deeper, I caught sight of what seemed to be glowing rocks—but upon closer inspection, they revealed themselves as dazzling crystals, casting a kaleidoscope of colors against the cavern walls.

Blue, green, pink, purple, yellow—each hue more mesmerizing than the last. They adorned the passage, their radiant glow seeming to beckon us forward.

Finally, we reached a vast cavern, where two pathways diverged.

"Louis?" I called, uncertainty tingeing my voice. "Which way should we go?"

Louis surveyed the fork in the road ahead, contemplating our options. "Either path should lead us out," he replied, his tone thoughtful. "It shouldn't matter which we choose."

George, captivated by the beauty of the crystals, interjected, "Let the Princess decide."

Louis turned to me, his gaze expectant. "Well? What's your choice, Princess?"

I deliberated for a moment before selecting the left path, unaware of the peril that awaited us—a choice that would lead to a harrowing encounter none of us could have anticipated.

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