Chapter 1

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"Wake up," someone shook Riza awake. "How long do you intend to sleep in?" They questioned dragging the woman out of bed. "What the hell man I was sleeping?" Riza grumbled at the British guy. "My so vulgar," Leonardo's voice oozed with sarcasm. "I'll show you vulgar you donkey," Riza countered.

"Must you two always argue first thing in the morning?" The young French man fussed. "Will you both stop acting like children," Adam ordered. "Whatever," Riza replied rolling her hazel eyes. "Personally I think Hikaru would win in a fight against Leonardo," Pablo chimed in. "Like hell he would!" Leonardo argued. "I don't know Hikaru's temper is unpredictable," Dada began. "I'm sure if you got him mad enough you'd be toast Leonardo," he agreed with Pablo.

"A guy who won't even face his younger brother is nothing to worry about," Leonardo mocked. "Fair I mean we're just accessing their skills," Adam agreed. "I guess in that aspect Hikaru is weak," Dada was quick to agree. "Okay but to be fair none of us knew it was just for assessments," Riza opposed.

"I mean would you agree to tearing apart your own family's hopes and aspirations?" She quizzed. "I guess he's got a point there. It would be hard to accept being the reason your sibling was banned from ever representing their country," Pablo was quick to take her side. "Whatever like I said before mister femboy don't go dragging us down," Leonardo re-established.

"I'm getting food," Riza let them know before heading out of their room. "Hey wait let me join you," Pablo caught up to her. "Leave me alone," she gave him an icy glare. "Scary," Pablo joked. "Fine do what you want," Riza relented.

"Wasn't there a player in the women's league with the same last name as you?" Pablo asked her as they sat down for breakfast. "Yeah she's my twin sister it sucks that she got badly injured though," Riza lied. "Yeah from what I remembered she had great potential but, always got benched for trying to steal the spotlight from the so-called rising star on her team," he continued.

"Why are you so curious about my sister?" Riza was skeptical. "It's just weird that after your sister's injury you went pro that's all," he replied. Damn is he onto my secret? Riza hoped he wasn't skeptical of her. "I promised her that I'd carry her dream with me," she told him. "I think your tough guy act is just a ruse," Pablo laughed. "You're quite the softy," he grabbed her by the neck and messed up her hair. "Stop it," she giggled trying to flatten her short brown hair.

His laugh is so feminine and I can't help but, wonder if he is who he says he is, Pablo started to ponder. I think I've connected a few dots but, I won't be sure until I see him play, he continued to suspect. "Please don't tell the others I'm not the tough guy I pretend to be," Riza joked. "Your secret is safe with me femboy," he said pretending to lock his lips.

"If you two are done flirting with each other we have practice," Adam let them know. "Pablo I didn't know you swung that way," Leonardo joked. "I do not," Pablo reacted. It's just that Hikaru seems so familiar to me, Pablo remembered something from one of the venues he played at.

"Wow I've never seen anything like that!" Someone wearing Japan's women's league jersey walked up to the rainbow haired male. "You were like zoom!" She exclaimed. "Oh thank you," he blushed at the compliment. "Oh right sorry I forgot to introduce myself," she stated. "I'm Riza Bachira," she put her hand out. "Pablo Cavasoz" he took her hand. "You were so cool out there," she continued. "I always seem to get benched," she let out too much information. "Why is that?" He questioned. "I always try stealing the spotlight from Yuki Akimitsu Japan's rising star," she said venom dripping from her words. "You must really resent her," Pablo observed. "No I resent my coach for not letting me show my true potential," she replied. "Well give them hell then," Pablo gave her advice.

I can't shake the feeling that Pablo actually remembers me, Riza hoped it was just her imagination. "Let's see what you can do pretty boy," Leonardo mocked. Riza nutmegged the ball right past him and passed it to Pablo. "Nice dribbling," he complimented as he took a shot on the net. "Not bad for a pretty boy," Adam complimented. "He really showed you who's boss," Dada added.

"Hey you can't steal my weapon!" Leonardo got angry. "What does that even mean!" Riza countered. "I can't help it that I'm decent at dribbling too," she added. "So Hikaru's weapon is that he can adjust to any given situation," Julian stated. Hikaru has the same playing style as Riza, Pablo continued observing Hikaru's playing style. I guess it wouldn't be hard to believe considering they probably trained their whole lives together, Pablo decided not to dwell on it.

"Alright that's enough practice let's hit the showers," Adam decided after a few grueling hours of practice. "I'm starving I'm going to hit the cafeteria first," Riza decided. I can't risk them seeing me naked, Riza almost blushed at the thought. "Fine but make sure to hit the showers right after," Adam ordered. "Yessir," Riza gave him a fake salute.

Finally some peace and quiet, Riza sighed. Her temporary teammates were a lot to handle. She dug into her dumplings and let out a sound of delight. "Wow so good!" She exclaimed as she continued to shove food into her mouth. "You eat like a pig," her peace was quickly distributed by Leonardo. "If you continue to eat like that you'll choke," Pablo added. "I'm done," She quickly got out of her seat and headed for the showers.

This feels so nice, she thought as she stepped into the bath. "I can't stay long though," she said quietly to herself. I must not forget I have a secret to keep unless I want my own career to end, Riza would never let herself forget the deal she made with the men's league.

" You must never let anyone know you're a woman," her coach told her. "If you do I'll see that your career ends here," he added. That's right no one will ever cheer for Riza Bachira ever again, Riza had thought she accepted the idea but, deep down she wanted nothing more than the crowd to cheer for the real her.

"You took your sweet time," Leonardo ridiculed. "I couldn't help it because the bath felt divine," she decided to let Leonardo have this round. "God just because you're a femboy doesn't mean you have to act so feminine," he quibbed. "Oh shut up," Riza threw her pillow at the blonde. "Both of you cut it out and go to bed," Adam barked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26 ⏰

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