Pushing a pull door

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A/N: Longest chapter yet! Hope you enjoy!

    "Stiles what do you mean no?" Lydia's voice echoed with confusion. Her previous excitement had faded.

    "You guys weren't supposed to come." Stiles said weakly. His eye bags red and deep, there was no longer a gleam in his eyes. He was just so...lifeless. He stood there with his arms at his side, his posture not being too great but that was normal.

    "We came to save you!" Lydia cried out hoping Stiles would understand her emotion. She tried getting up but fell back to her knees.

    Stiles just looked at her and sighed. He couldn't stand to even look Lydia in the eye. He instead looked at The Nogitsune who stared back at him. It was an unsettling image since they both shared the same face. "You guys weren't meant to get involved!" His eyes landed on Scott as he pleaded. His face looked so broken, mangled with a mix of emotions.

    Scott finally felt some drive as he grunted and got up on one knee but he knew that was as far as he was getting. "Stiles you're my best friend! You're apart of the pack, how could we not get involved?" Scott's expression was soft in contrast with his concerned voice. He just wanted to know why Stiles thought Scott of all people wouldn't get involved.

    Stiles looked at Scott as he shrugged. "I hoped for once you'd stay away. You have to understand that I had to do this..." Stiles looked at Scott and smiled weakly. Stiles couldn't bear to speak about the matter any further.

    "Why did you have to do this!?" Scott yelled, startling Stiles. Any sort of softness in his demeanor had fled. This ultimately made Stiles more upset than he had previously been.

    Stiles began to shake in anger. He glared at Scott as he finally snapped. "I had to do it for you, for the pack! For..."Stiles swallowed harshly as if bearing himself for the next few words. "For my Dad." Stiles looked at the ground as he continued to shake. Stiles had always been shaky, it didn't really matter when. He just always had been, but it was more apparent now than ever.

Speaking of the Sheriff, they haven't gotten any updates from him in a while. Which was really weird- Scott needed to push the thought away and focus on Stiles. Stiles's words crushed Scott even more so he couldn't help but continue to yell,"Stiles me, the pack, your Dad...we can all handle ourselves and you of all people should know that!" Stiles's eyes windend as he began to become angry. His shaking becoming more obvious.

"Should I Scott!? Because to me it seems like I'm always the one saving you when I have no supernatural ability at all!" He screamed, tears forming in his eyes as he threw his arm in a dramatic expression.

Scott was appalled by this sudden statement from Stiles. Scott's rage turned into mere disappointment for himself. He knew Stiles was right but he needed to try to get through to him. So instead of continuously yelling back and forth he took a calmer approach. He took a deep breath and continued to speak, "Stiles you always make our plans, so of course you always save us! That's why we need you back!" Scott although trying to sound helpful ended up sounding more arrogant than ever.

Stiles just stared enraged at Scott's comment. "Are you serious!? You only need me to save your ass!? That's all I'm good for, huh!?" Stiles yelled out and Scott looked away from him. Scott messed up...that's not what he meant at all.

Scott finally, fully thought his thoughts through. "Stiles what I'm saying is we wouldn't be where we are today without you, We'd all be dead! But because of you we're not! You've saved us more times than I can count and I can never thank you enough." Scott smiled as he looked up at Stiles, who just stared down at him.

"Yeah you never do..." Stiles muttered his sarcasm coming out once more. He crossed his arms as he sighed. He looked at The Nogitsune once more with a blank expression, but The Nogitsune just smirked.

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