Chapter 22 - Louis

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After George's selfless sacrifice, Odette and I trudged onward, each step weighed down by the burden of loss and the relentless onslaught of winter's wrath.

The howling wind cut through the dense forest, biting into our skin like a thousand icy needles. Yet, amidst the biting chill, I couldn't ignore the subtle resurgence of my magical connection to the ancient woods. It coursed through me like a lifeline, dulling the sting of the cold that seemed to mercilessly assail Odette, whose breaths came out in ragged clouds of frost.

"Are you holding up back there?" I called out, turning to see her struggling to keep pace.

Odette's response was barely audible over the howling gale, her words lost amidst the swirling snowflakes. "Y-yes, I'm... I'm fine," she stammered, her teeth chattering uncontrollably.

Concern etched into every line of my face, I moved closer, wrapping my arm around her trembling form in a feeble attempt to shield her from the biting cold. "Let's find shelter for the night," I suggested, the urgency evident in my voice. "We'll set up camp and wait out the storm. We can resume our journey at first light."

With stiff, frozen fingers, Odette fumbled to unpack our meager supplies, her movements slow and labored against the relentless assault of the elements. Meanwhile, I focused my waning magical energies, conjuring a small flame that danced weakly in the darkness, its flickering light a meager beacon of hope amidst the encroaching night.

As Odette settled beside me, her body pressed close in a desperate bid for warmth, I couldn't shake the gnawing worry that lingered in the depths of my mind. The cold seeped into our bones, a cruel reminder of the dangers that lurked in the shadows, and the daunting task that lay ahead.

"It's so cold, Louis," Odette murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

I nodded solemnly, my gaze fixed on the distant horizon where the Goddess's temple awaited. "Yes, it is," I replied softly, my own breath misting in the frigid air. "But we'll survive. By tomorrow's end, we'll reach the temple, and together, we will ask the goddess for assistance and put an end to Cedrick's reign of darkness upon Oryn."

As exhaustion weighed heavily upon us, and the chill of the night wrapped its icy fingers around our weary forms, I couldn't help but wonder if our journey had already cost us too much. I knew that we could not afford to falter. For the fate of our world hung in the balance, and we were its last, desperate hope.

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