The beginning in The end

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You feel as though life is starting anew while you acquaint yourself to the stillness of battles and tadpoles no more. You and your love both have been adjusting to the quiet in your mind as well on the streets of your newfound home: Baldurs Gate. You begin to reminisce on the past battles and adventures you shared with your favorite gang of misfits and weirdos, but you're suddenly interrupted by the sounds of the massive palace doors swinging open behind you.

"Astarion" you say in a soft voice

"It seems we have been invited to a party my sweet" he says with a hidden joy in his deep ruby eyes

You reach for the invitation in his ever beautiful pale hands, reading the scribed words -

"All are to report to the camp in the Emerald Grove for mandatory gathering and festivities"

- the bone man

"it seems time we hit the road once more my love" Astarion says locking eyes with you

"It seems so my love"


As the both of you are rounding the end of the trek that seems to have shortened since the last time you traveled it you stop to take a breath of excitement as well as nervousness in anticipation of seeing those you haven't seen since the last battle you shared.

The elder brain

You shudder slightly and beam your eyes to the blue cloudless sky in fear the nether brain still haunts the heavens above you. Stuck in your tracks slightly breathless still looking to the sky you're broken from your trance by Astarions' cool comforting hand caressing your cheek.

"I feel it to pet, but I can hear the others just ahead all will be well once we reach the camp where we shared our first night together."

As always you're captivated by his deep red eyes. Your worries begin to fade he pulls you tight to his front. He kisses you soft but swiftly and you feel your cheeks flush and knees grow weak. As always you are powerless to his embrace.

" Be patient pet, we will taste each other tonight as the fire grows dim and conversation dampens."

" It could not come a second to soon my love" You say locking eyes with him lustfully but obey his command.

As a pair you travel on and make your way to the first camp you shared with your companions, everyone is caught up in long awaited conversation, your presence yet to be known. The two of you share a look and make your way to a table full of food and wine, Astarion pours two glasses --

"Could I trouble you to pour a third for your favorite druid"

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