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*Not proofread* 

| A few weeks later...| 

The Taylor household was definitely in the Christmas spirit. 

Christmas was only a few weeks away which meant they were on the clock to get everything done this week with Fatima still be on maternity leave and Zac and his team being a bye week. Meaning no practice, no football games, nothing all week long. And unfortunately for him, he thought he was gonna get some rest and the devil was a lie. And by the devil...we mean Fatima. 

"Now you know damn well." Fatima busted out laughing, they were currently hanging Christmas decorations outside and Zac was being Zac. "Why are you so sloppy with it? Look at your neighbor's yard and then look at ours." Zac turned to look at his neighbors, he couldn't lie, they definitely took it to a whole extreme. 

"First off, this neighborhood is filled with retired old farts that have nothing better to do than watch their shows and chew on invisible food, of course their yard looks better. Them fools not working." Zac uttered as he fixed the Santa blow up figure. 

Fatima just rolled her eyes, "You're daddy is so crazy." She cooed looking down at Faith who was latched on, these past few weeks have definitely been on the better side for the Taylors. She was letting Faith finish up her breakfast before she had to go into the office. Even though she is currently on maternity leave, she has a board meeting with her new company that she overtook. This meant she was leaving Zac alone with two kids...

Unlatching Faith from her breast and fixing her blanket, "Don't forget, I sent you a To do list to your phone, and in case you like to play the 'forget game', it's also on taped to the TV in the basement, so no playing on that game until they done." She spoke to Zac. 

He saluted to her, "Yes ma'am." She chuckled before passing Faith off to Zac. She prepped a few bottles that should last until she comes home, she was only going to the meeting and going right back home. She loved the holiday season for what he means, especially if you have a close knit family bond, but she absolutely dreaded the cold, the amount of traffic on the roads, and the lack of competency from adults and their kids. 

Main reason why I always do online shopping

"What time should I expect you home?" Zac asked playing with Faith's cheeks, her skin color definitely coming in full effect along with the rest of her features, and surprisingly enough Faith was both a mommy and daddy's girl. She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know if they actually starting at 10AM or if they want everyone to be there at 10AM and they start whenever they feel like it." 

He just nodded his head, "And don't have my babies sitting in the house all day, it's nice out, take them to the park or something." She suggested digging through her purse that was filled with more of Faith and Junior's stuff than her own stuff. Her purse has officially turned into a diaper bag 2.0. 

He smacked his lips, "Man please! I am a fun dad!" Fatima squinted her eyes before deciding to ignore his statements, it was windy and her hair was flying every which way, she did not have time for that. "Yeah whatever, handle that list, and give me a kiss so I can leave and beat that traffic." He leaned in kissing her twice before leaning Faith over so she could get some kisses. 

He watched her leave out the driveway before staring at the mess from the Christmas lights, "We just gonna pay somebody to do that." He mumbled to himself. He walked into the kitchen to see the taped to-do list instantly rolling his eyes at the long list. 

"She talking about clean the gutters." He mumbled looking over the post it note. "Girl that ish is on the roof, lost your mind, where the fuck the kids gonna be at?" He continued talking to himself going up the stairs to see if Junior was still sleep or not. On the weekends, they allow him to sleep in a little more so they can get more peace and quiet. 

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