.⁠。๑*⁠♡Insula renascentiae⁠♡*⁠๑。.⁠

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Quackity POV:

They reached the island by late morning the very next day. There was no way to tell if Dream's men had bet them to it, and they could only hope they hadn't.

The trio peered out across the lake to the strip of land that sat in the centre. It looked bigger than Quackity had expected, with a sprawl of trees beyond the beach that gave away nothing about what may lie hidden behind them.

"How do we get across?" Niki asked, pulling her map from her satchel and comparing it to their destination, searching around the lake for any faint silhouette of a bridge they might have missed.

"Please don't tell me we'll have to swim." Ranboo said apprehensively. "I'm committed to helping you man, but... Not that much." He warned Quackity, only half jokingly.

The king ignored him, squinting through the fog rising from the water at a dark shape on their side of the lake. For a moment, it was reminiscent of his dreams, with its suffocating mist and vague, distant forms, and a lump rose in his throat.

But he swallowed it down quickly. "Boats!" He said suddenly, taking off walking down the edge of land. The others followed behind him hurriedly.

There were two boats, but the plank of wood they were tied to with rope had three hooks on it.

"That's not a good omen." Ranboo commented.

Quackity paused and looked at him. "At least it means they're probably still on the island."

None of them really knew if this was a relief or not, so they stayed silent as they climbed into the boats, watching the opposite bank of the island warily.

Niki and Ranboo took one boat, and Quackity the other. With any luck, there would be four of them on the way back.


They left the boats on the snow covered banks and set off into the trees.

The forest was dark and dense, but the sun still managed to filter through at points, lighting up the undergrowth for them to wade through. It was clearly uncharted land.

"What does your map say?" The king asked Niki, looking over her shoulder at the parchment. "Every direction aside from where we came looks identical."

Niki sighed and rolled the map up, stuffing it back in her bag. "This won't help us now, I'm sorry. It was leading us to find the island, but there's nothing on there about what's actually here."

"Figures." Quackity muttered.

After half an hour longer of wandering around aimlessly hoping to stumble upon the book, Ranboo stopped and crossed his arms.

"I don't like this. We could run into Dream's soldiers at any moment. In fact, they could be watching us right now..." He said, his hand resting anxiously on the hilt of his sword at his hip.

"You're right. We have to assume by now that they're aware of our presence on the island. But they haven't attacked yet, for whatever reason, so what choice do we have except to push on?"

Ranboo chewed his lip and looked at the ground. "I could try some kind of spell, but it might give away our location."

Quackity exchanged a glance with Niki.

"Just do it. We don't have much to lose." He relented.

Ranboo nodded, and got his notebook out, flicking through it rapidly, muttering to himself.

"Aha! This should work..." He said to himself suddenly, snapping the notebook closed and closing his eyes in concentration.

His hand rose in front of him, fingers outstretched forwards. He spoke some words that Quackity didn't recognise.

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