Part Sixteen, Jason is livid!

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Chapter Sixteen

"Where the Hell have you been?"

"Jason, I thought you were staying over at the gym."

"I came home early last night to make dinner for the two of us. But you never came home. I've been up all night, why didn't you call me?"

"Actually, I left my phone in George's car. It must have fallen out of my purse. I didn't even think about it until this morning when I saw it sitting on the seat of the car."

"You were out all night with that twenty two year old man I told you to stay away from? And what happened to letting me know where you're going?" Where did he take you? To some fly by night motel where he could fuck your brains out! Because it certainly doesn't seem like you needed them to think with."

"I did not go to some fly by night motel, Jason!"

"Oh, so did he just fuck you on the side of the road? The backseat of his car? His dorm room maybe?"

Jason goes running downstairs to the basement.

"Where are you going, Jason? Aren't you going to allow me to explain?"

"Why don't you come down here and explain then, Kate. I'm anxious to hear the story you've conjured up!"

So I walk down the stairs to see him sitting on the couch looking all pissed off.

"Well, come here and tell me your bull shit story!"

"It's not a bull shit story, Jason and I did not fuck anybody!"

"Then why don't you sit down here beside me and tell me what you did do last night." 

As soon as I sat down he grabbed me and turned me over his knee. Then he pulled down my pants and started spanking me with one of his ping pong paddles. He totally caught me off guard. He held me down with his upper body and spanked me with his other arm. The paddle stung worse than his hand ever could. I tried to get loose but he held me in place. After five wacks he put the paddle down and reached between my legs.

"Spread your legs apart, Kate unless you want five more wacks, you'll do as you're told."

I spread my legs for him and felt his fingers in my pussy.

"Do you like that? You're pussy sure is wet. Is that because of me or George? Did you let him come inside you? Was it good? Did he make you suck his dick?"

"I didn't do anything, Jason!"

"I thought you and I had something special here. I guess I was wrong! Once you got a taste for Dick you had to try out a few more guys."

"You're the one who said we should see other people, Jason. And I didn't have sex with him. It's a long story but basically we got caught in a tornado and had to spend the night out of town. But we did not have sex. All he did was talk until I fell asleep."

"Let me get this straight; you spend the night in bed with this man and all he does is talk?"

"Well, he sings a lot too. We went out of town to play golf at his families country club and got caught in a tornado. We couldn't drive home because there were trees down all over the highway."

"I will be checking out your story little girl and you better not be lying to me."

"You're a total control freak, Jason."

"I'm just trying to keep you safe, ok. You have no idea what men are capable of. And you're too damned trusting."

"Am I allowed to get up now?"

"You can get up but you're grounded until our parents get home. You leave this house without my permission and I'll tie you to the bed."

"Fuck you, Jason!"

"You better watch that mouth girl!"

I went to my room and cried myself to sleep. When I woke up Jason was asleep on the couch. He was probably guarding the door so I couldn't get out.
"Jason, are you awake?" Jason, can I order a pizza?"

Jason opens his eyes and stares into mine. I feel those butterflies in my stomach again. I can hardly breathe. "Jason, can you hear me?"

"I can hear you just fine."

"Are you still mad at me?"

"No, Kate, but you're still grounded and yes, you can order a pizza."

"Thank you, Master!"

"Cut it with the sarcasm, Kate. I just don't want you to end up like my mother."

"I'm not going to end up like your mother, Jason. And you're the one who said we should see other people."

"He's too old for you, Kate. I told you that."

"And I told you, he's only a year older than you are!"

"Well, didn't you say this guy worked out at the gym."

"He says he does. He hangs out with some Latino guy."

"Well, I intend to have him thoroughly investigated."

"You do that, Jason. Knock yourself out!"

"I have to get down to the gym. I left Rico in charge. I need to relieve him. I don't want you leaving the house while I'm gone. You put me through enough stress last night."

"No prob, Bob. I'll just hang around the house twiddling my thumbs till my master gives me permission to have a life."

"Just do as your told Kate til I investigate this guy you're spending so much time with."

"Fine, investigate away!" Have a great day! Did Mom and dad call yet?"

"No, and that's stressing me out also. I'll see you tonight. And you better be here."

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