Part Eighteen, Defying Jason

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Chapter Seventeen

When I woke up the next morning I am still so mad at Jason. I will be eighteen soon. He has no right to boss me around. I'll show that bossy male pig. I will not stay home. I will go to the boat launch at the Lake across from the gym. That way when he looks out the window, I can stick my tongue out at him. He can't do anything about it with so many college kids launching their boats and their ski doos.
When I get to the launch area I see one of my class mates, John Johnson.

"Hey, John, what are you doing?"
"I am trying to bolt this nine hoarse power boat engine to the back of my paddle boat."


"Because that way if I need to get in quick, I can. You know, in case a storm should come up. My brother isn't using it anymore so I figured, hey, I can use it. What do ya think?"

"Can that plastic back hold the weight of that motor, John?"

"Oh sure, it's a very hard plastic but not bridle. I don't see a problem."

"Well, you're the man I guess. You should know."

"You're a nice girl, Katey. Would you like to come with me for a test drive?"

"Sure, it should be fun."

I climbed in beside John and we paddled out to the middle of the lake.

"Ok, let's start this baby up and see how she does."
John pulls on the rope a few times and the motor comes to life. He's smiling with pride as he steers the handle towards the shore. Suddenly the plastic gives away and the motor falls down partway under the boat. We're spinning around and around in circles. The motor has fallen so far down John can't get a hold of it to turn it off. So we keep spinning and John's hanging off the back trying to reach the shut off valve. All the people on the shore are laughing at us. Some have even fallen down laughing, rolling in the grass holding their stomachs. Oh my God, we look like two complete idiots. I hope Jason doesn't look out the gym window. But soon people are pouring out of the door to the gym. Oh my God, I have to do something. I can't let Jason see me like this. Maybe if I try to dive away from the boat. I don't want the spinning blades under the boat to chop me up. So I stand up and jump as far as I can leaving John hanging off the back. We look like the two stooges.
I managed to get far enough away to swim to shore. I come out of the water, fully dressed, dripping wet, my sneakers slushing as I walk. Two guys have went out in their boat to rescue John. I start walking through the parking lot and run into a wall. It's Jason looking down at me with his arms folded across his chest. He's not saying anything. He's just looking at me with a disgusted look on his face. Finally he says, "I hope to God none of these people know you're my step sister. I won't be able to show my face again."

That hurt worse than if he'd paddled me. He just turned and walked away back to the gym. I walked miserably back home and took a hot shower. How will I face Jason again. I disobeyed him and then made a complete ass out of myself in front of his peers from college and the gym.
Jason did not come home at all. Not even to sleep. It was like he just didn't care anymore. The next morning, still no Jason. Then at five pm he walked through the door. I tried to talk to him but he just ignored me and went to the basement locking the door behind him. I was so miserably unhappy. I lost the love of my life. I cried myself to sleep that night. The next day Jason got ready for church and just walked out the door and left me behind. He didn't even try to wake me up. My heart was shattered into a million pieces.
Jason did not come back home. I assumed he went straight to the gym. Mom called to tell me that she and Don decided not to come back. Don was taking an early retirement and leaving the gym and the house to Jason. So what about me? She said that I could use the money my dad sent me and to let them know if I needed anything else. So that's it. Once again, I don't matter. Jason hates me now. Where will I go? Nobody wants me.

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