2 the time in the empire and the start of the War

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It has been a year since Yamato officially became part of the empire
She got sent on multiple missions that resulted in the total annihilation of the siren and She has been dub the empress of the wave and pride of the sakura empire by the sakuran ship but at the time when she joined for 6 months tragedy struck Tosa was sunk by a fleet of siren the Empire have a hard time to accept but eventually they move on and Kaga was built and she has bonded with Yamato like Akagi did calling Yamato one san The empire then make an event that held once a year that will choose the flagship of the empire Yamato didn't join but she always watched the match Amagi has been the flagship ever since the exercise was invented
Yamato is also enjoying her life while the event happened every now and then the destroyer come to play with Yamato and sometimes Yamato go hangout with Amagi Akagi and Kaga
The bond between Akagi and Kaga towards Yamato is that of a big sister and a role model they want to be like her especially Kaga since she is also a battleship and always ask Yamato to train her Yamato didn't really train her but give advice and guidance
And after 2 years after Yamato is part of the empire Amagi condition started to get worse but she always contains it until Yamato come to visit her and see her coughing a lot Amagi ask Yamato not to tell anyone especially her sister Yamato reluctantly agree
Kaga and Akagi is also grown up and look like their anime self now but a few months later an aircraft carrier idea has been announced from Nagato and she is planning to change Akagi and Kaga to their first aircraft carrier they both agreed to this but then the next year the years that amagi died because of her condition
Everyone especially Akagi and kaga was fill with grief but Yamato is always there for them

Yamato: *hugging and trying to comfort akagi and kaga while they're both crying*

Amagi part has been use to change Kaga into aircraft carrier and Akagi has been the Flagship ever since

Then at the fourth years since Yamato was part of the empire the debate about using human and siren technology happens and it resulted on the split between 4 faction

The faction that will continue using human technology

Eagle union and Royal navy

The one that will use siren technology

Sakura empire and iron blood

But no faction in the Azur lane that isn't sakura empire know the Existence of Yamato she always get sent on a mission secretly with the other every time while using her rigging and hide inside other ship that go out to do their mission with her
And then the day that the first episode happens come

Yamato: Akagi Kaga, are you both sure about this?

Akagi/Kaga: we are sure, onee san.

Yamato: if you're insist, i hope you will return safely.

Akagi: we will sister, after all we are the first Carrier division right Kaga?

Kaga: yes sister.

Yamato just signed at this and hope that they achieved what they're going to do as the two carriers left Yamato wave goodbye at them and smile they're also smile back and then they disappear into the horizon but little did they know Yamato was following them secretly because after all the last wish that Amagi told Yamato was to protect her sisters

At pearl harbour during the attack

Kaga: entertain me phantom!

Everything went as canon until the time when Akagi and Kaga about to leave Enterprise shoot her arrows and Zuikaku wasn't able to arrived in time and the arrow is about to hit Akagi trying to block the arrow but it is too late so close her eyes and braces for impact but nothing she she then open her eyes and see Yamato blocked the arrow with her Katana (A/n:yes she have a katana) everyone was in shock especially the Azur lane because they never see Yamato before

Akagi/Kaga: Sister!?

Enterprise: *aim her bow at yamato* Who are you!?

Yamato: My name is Yamato, pride of the Sakura empire.

Enterprise: how come we never see you before!?

Yamato: that is non of your problem.

Yamato then turn to Akagi and Kaga and see they're both shock and sweating because Yamato is like a very strick big sister to them sometimes when they got caught doing something dangerous or bad thing when they're both still little

Akagi/Kaga: *nervous of what Yamato is about to say*

Yamato: *glare at Kaga of them* we will have a conversation about your way of fighting and attitude when we are back at the empire young lady.

Kaga is sweating a lot

Yamato: we should leave, I heard that you already did what you have planned correct?

Akagi: we did sister.

Yamato: good, we leave.

Then the 3 got covered by a sakura petal and disappear from their spot

Enterprise pov

She un equip her rigging and walked around the base and meet wale and the other

Wales: since when did the empire build that kansen? Do anyone know what her name is?

Enterprise: i heard her name wales

Wales: then what is her name miss enterprise?

Enterprise: she said her name is Yamato and ended with "pride of the sakura empire"

Wales: Yamato? Do anyone heard anything about her before?

Wales then look at the other but they shake their head as an answer Wales signed at this

Wales: we need to look for any information about her as soon as possible, but the issue is that the Sakura empire might be the only faction that have her info.

Everyone Nodded and started to think about a plan and repair the base Enterprise is walking to her ship and jump up and land on top of her ship
Then she look at the sea narrow her eyes and clenched her fist

Enterprise: I will remember you, Yamato.


A/n: how is it my reader!? I hope you enjoyed the chapter and taking care of yourself! Feel free to comment your opinion on my profile massage board!

Meme of the day!


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