Chapter 3 - Making of a Monster

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As I came of age, and my Jedi training neared its end, the sith threat against our order began to loom large

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As I came of age, and my Jedi training neared its end, the sith threat against our order began to loom large. Wielders of the dark side were growing in number... and in boldness. Stories began to drift through the temple of dangerous Jedi-hunters who were strong in the force. These Sith assassins desired one thing, and one thing only: to track down and murder as many Jedi as they possibly could. One such villain was a Sith lord named Darth Dominus.
The man who killed my master.

Before his rise to power Darth Dominus, who at that time went by the name Caiaphus Malkor, was a Sith apprentice who showed an unusually strong affinity for matters of the mind. His master found him working as a slave in a droid foundry on Kessel, and clearly saw the pain and anger that festered within him. The boy became extremely talented - quickly learning how to harness the power of the dark side to manipulate the mental state of another. But unbeknownst to his master, Caiaphus was experimenting with, and honing, his manipulative capabilities in secret. He began to purchase kyber and other midochlorian-rich minerals to discover if they could somehow amplify his dark abilities.

As he travelled to nearby systems collecting these minerals from miners and merchants, a rumor reached Caiaphus's ear. A rumor that presented him with a clear path forward - a path to power. Deep beneath the surface of a planet called Utapau there lived a dwindling tribe of people known as the Novak. It was said that, before their fall from grace, these warrior-smiths were so skilled in their craft that they had developed a one of a kind metal alloy. Stronger than even the beskar of Mandalore, this metal could not be melted, cracked, bent, or broken by anyone but the Novak. The creation of such a powerful material sparked a brutal civil war on Utapau as factions fought to control the production of it. Such a widespread conflict caused their civilization to fall into ruin, and the few among them who still remained went into hiding - refusing to share their creation, or their knowledge, with the galaxy.

Caiaphus began to search for these craftsmen of old, hoping he could learn their secrets. He scoured the sink-pits of Utapau, finding little to no trace of the Novak's existence. But right when he was ready to abandon his search, he found them. A small, strange group of no more than 50 persons living close to the planet's core. By using a translator node, and the dark side of the force, Caiaphus convinced the Novak to teach him everything they knew. Under their guidance he crafted a detestable weapon. An eternal weapon. A weapon the Sith could wield against the Jedi from now until the very end of time. A crown, adorned with kyber crystals, that enhanced his powers of mental manipulation ten fold. To ensure the evil of his new treasure could never be undone, Caiaphus quickly turned on the Novak.
He slaughtered each and every one of them.
Even the women, and the children too.

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