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Chapter 51 Escape

Zhang Yang only left a note before leaving, at home. She wanted to call the compound, but looking at the time, it was estimated that Master Zhang and Zhang Nian were not at home, She simply explained two sentences to Liu Yuan, and if the family contacted her, let Liu Yuan help explain two sentences.

In the end, only Ning Xiusi, the member in charge of national news in Group A, who went to the Northeast with her, had unfinished cases in their hands. The photography team went to two people, one of whom was Xiao Yang, who had worked with Zhang Yang before.

The task was urgent, and Zhang Yang and the others rushed to a county town around the forest as quickly as possible, but when they arrived at their destination, it was also the next morning.

As soon as he arrived at the destination, Ning Xiusi had already exclaimed in surprise.

"I'll go, isn't this fire a little too big?" Ning Xiusi said as he stretched out his hand and pointed towards the air that seemed to be not far away from them. That scene shocked his spirit after a day of running around, and he became much more sober.

The wildfires spread, a large number of trees were burned, and billowing smoke rose from below, revealing a hideous and dangerous appearance in mid-air.

Zhang Yang also saw the fire in the direction of Ning Xiusi's finger, and she frowned, "Put things first, and wait for a while." 

Someone from the county town came to receive a few of them, the other party was a man about thirty years old, and when the other party heard Zhang Yang's words, he smiled as if to comfort them and said, "Don't worry too much, now the fire has been controlled, and it will not burn to the county seat." As long as the teachers don't go to the center of the forest fire, there is usually no problem. The

little lamb patted his chest and sighed: "It's really scary to watch."

Zhang Yang didn't speak, they must have gone to take a look around the fire.

The group first put their luggage and then assigned the task.

"This time, there was more than one burning point in several centers of the fire, and Ning Xiusi and I were separated from each other to shoot and interview, and then in the evening, we met in the county seat. Zhang Yang said that as she said this, she took two towels and bottled water for Ning Xiusi and the staff of another photography group, and then said seriously: "Although we will not participate in the work of fire fighting, we are also in the marginal area, so we still have to pay attention to safety." Everyone

should get down and quickly take the equipment and head towards their respective destinations.

The northeast area is connected to the Inner Mongolia grassland, and Ning Xiusi offered to go to a farther location, while Zhang Yang and Xiaoyang were responsible for the fire point closer to the town.

Only then did they walk to the entrance of the forest, Zhang Yang and Xiao Yang showed their work permits, and then they were released.

When Zhang Yang saw the people guarding the door, he couldn't help but be stunned for two seconds, and his eyes stayed on those people for a while.

As soon as he entered, Xiao Yang couldn't help but exclaim: "There are so many PLA troops here, doesn't it mean that the fire has been controlled? "

The people who set up the barricades at the intersection just now are all people in green uniforms.

Zhang Yang was also stunned because she saw the familiar clothes, and when her eyes stayed on the other party, she deliberately glanced at the armband on the other party's arm, which turned out to be the Capital Military Region. A hint of surprise flashed across her face, but she didn't ask much, just a small guess in her heart.

Now listening to Xiao Yang's emotion, Zhang Yang's heart is a little heavy, "It shows that before this, the fire was very big, and the surrounding fire brigades were no longer enough, so they began to dispatch people from the troops to come over and act together." The

little sheep snorted, "I don't know how big the loss is this time." "

Forest fires are not as simple as fires in ordinary towns. The forest is full of trees, and this burn will cause great losses.

Zhang Yang didn't say anything, obviously worried.

Upon entering the forest, the temperature of the surrounding air seemed to be a few degrees higher, and there were quite a few distinct black dust waving in the air. Xiao Yang and Zhang Yang both wore white gauze masks, and after a while, a lot of black dust had been adhered to the masks.

Autumn is dry and windy, making forest fires, which are already difficult to extinguish, even more difficult.

When he was about to arrive at the center of the fire, Zhang Yang saw that there were still many firefighters and PLA officers and soldiers sitting on the ground casually. None of these people's faces were clean, they were all black dust, and some of them may have wiped two handfuls with their hands, not only failed to wipe their faces clean, but even looked more funny.

The little sheep filmed the scene in front of him, and Zhang Yang took the initiative to talk to others.

From the mouths of these firefighters, Zhang Yang learned that most of them had been fighting for two days and two nights, without rest, and now this is just a shift, taking a break halfway through and taking time to eat. And Zhang Yang's previous guess was correct, the People's Liberation Army she saw at the entrance did arrive one after another yesterday.

"We don't have enough people, there are too many fire points, and the area is too wide. The People's Liberation Army (PLA) that came to the mountains and forests yesterday heard that it was the fastest marching unit in the military region, and the others were still on the way, so they had already arrived first.

While these people were talking, Zhang Yang also saw the steamed buns in their hands.

The so-called eating is just to take dry food such as steamed buns, stuff a few mouthfuls into your mouth, and swallow it just to maintain your physical strength, so as not to lose your strength in high-intensity work.

When the sun was about to set in the afternoon, Zhang Yang and Xiaoyang called it a day and prepared to go back to the town. Before leaving, Zhang Yang left the small biscuits and chocolates she carried in her bag, although she was interviewing on the front line, but compared with the real firefighters who put out the fire on the front line, it was much safer, and there was still time to eat a hot meal.

When he got in the car again and was about to return, Zhang Yang took off his mask.

The mask, which was snow-white when I went out, has now changed color.

She wiped her nose, and sure enough, the tissues were dirty.

She has only been in the mountains and forests for a long time, and the soldiers who are on the front line of firefighting have not come out of it for a few days.

Back at the place where he lived, Zhang Yang took a shower first, and then waited for Ning Xiusi and them to come back to eat together and exchange what they had seen today.

It was very windy outside, and after Zhang Yang dried his hair, he put on his hat.

The four of them found an inconspicuous restaurant in the town and ordered three or four dishes, but they didn't have much appetite.

Ning Xiusi went to the fire point a little further north, "I got the news that although the fire is now under control for the time being, it will take a little time to completely extinguish the fire. The town is already very small, the permanent population is not large, and the materials are limited, and now there are so many firefighters and the People's Liberation Army, the materials are a little insufficient, I want to see if I can contact acquaintances and send some supplies in.

Zhang Yang nodded, Ning Xiu thought of this, she also thought of it, and after she came back, she contacted Liu Yuan and asked her to contact her in the capital.

"During the fire, two people were injured. It was a patrol officer, and the possible cause of the fire accident this time was that according to the confession of the escaped people, someone went into the forest to hunt without permission, and started a fire at night, which caused the fire. In order to save people, the patrol officer was injured by the burning trunk of a tree and is still in the hospital. Zhang Yang also shared her own intelligence, and this time the fire news report must be her and Ning Xiusi working together.

"I don't know what these hunters are trying to do, I asked the people in the town, the forest area has issued an announcement last week, not allowing outsiders to enter, but there are still people who go in to hunt and make fires, I don't know that autumn and winter are very dry, and it is easy for fires to break out when the wind is strong?"

The little lamb listened and sighed, "I heard that it seems that the family is too poor, so they hunt illegally." But there was also retribution, threeAmong the people, two died, and one of them ran out to report the news. The

topic related to life was always a little heavy, and Zhang Yang and Ning Xiusi didn't speak anymore, just sighed.

The four of them sat down at the small square table, quickly solved the stomach problem, and soon returned to the small hotel, and fought at night.

Zhang Yang and Ning Xiusi had similar thoughts, since they had gotten first-hand news, they should report it as soon as possible.

Both of them are people who can forget to sleep and eat for work, and the light in the room is always on.

Zhang Yang listened to the howling wind outside, blowing the glass window rattling, as if the wind was going to sweep the window away directly in the next moment.

The red iron window ridges swayed back and forth on the concrete wall.

"Is this wind getting stronger and stronger?" Ning Xiusi also noticed the wind howling outside, and saw Zhang Yang looking up at the window, and said in surprise.

Zhang Yang nodded, even if the window was closed, but now that she was sitting in the room, she could still feel the wind outside.

Even if there are no street lights in the town, it is not very dark outside, because the wildfire not far away has not been extinguished, and even if it is not too far away, you can feel the heat on your face.

"That's not a good thing. Ning Xiusi frowned and said, "When the wind is strong, the fire will become difficult to control, and I don't know what the situation is in the forest now."

Zhang Yang also had a bad premonition in his heart, this gust of wind was really too inopportune.

But before this trip, the two had never seen a wildfire, and they couldn't predict what would happen next, and after sighing two sentences of strong wind, the two quickly bowed their heads again and proofread the manuscript in their hands for a second time.

This time, Zhang Yang and Ning Xiusi hadn't seen each other for ten minutes, when suddenly there was a horn sound on the originally quiet town street. The first siren in the night sky completely shattered the peace of the town.

Piercing voices echoed over the town -

"The wildfire is spreading! Burning!" "Run!"

"Run out first! Burn over, burn over!".

"The fire is coming!"
sirens and horns sounded at the same time, waking up all the people in the town who had fallen asleep at this time, and the harsh sound pierced the dream, pulling the sleeping people back to reality, and the panic spread through the town in an instant.

Zhang Yang and Ning Xiusi didn't rest at all, and when they heard this, they reacted immediately.

The two of them got up from their seats at the same time, and without saying much, they went directly to the next door to wake up their colleagues from the newspaper office, and then went to the door of the hotel room one by one and knocked on the door to tell people to get up and run.

When the little sheep was woken up by Zhang Yang, he was still a little confused, half-asleep and half-awake, with a chicken nest on his head, and his voice was still a little hoarse, "Teacher Zhang, you go down first, leave it to me here, and I'll call someone." But

Zhang Yang didn't leave, one more person is always faster.

"What nonsense, hurry up and call someone, call someone to run downstairs!" "

In the past, when Zhang Yang was in Florida, she encountered a tsunami, and the worst natural disaster she had ever seen was also that one. And this time, Rao is she was already mentally prepared, but when she was dragged out of the hotel by the little sheep, she felt a tingling scalp when she saw the boiling fire burning not far away, directly following the black circuit on her head, like a fuse, burning over instantly.

"Run!" shouted someone behind him.

Zhang Yang saw the electric pole on the side fall and smashed straight into the small hotel where they were still living a moment ago.

The next moment, lightning and fire flashed in front of her eyes at the same time, and a wave of heat swept towards her.

Zhang Yang and Xiao Yang were taken aback, if it weren't for the fast running, they would have been buried in the fire by now. It turns out that a fire can be like a flood, rushing to the front of the eye in an instant.

The ears were filled with piercing screams and the sound of heavy objects collapsing, and the calm night was completely broken.

Everyone is running wildly, and this fire makes the night no longer so dark.

But even when the night was no longer dark, some people still fell. As soon as it falls, countless people will cross it behind. If you're unlucky, you'll probably be stepped on by many people.

Zhang Yang watched in horror as someone fell not far away, she subconsciously wanted to pull someone, but before she could take a step, she saw that the person behind had already run up and stepped on the person who had fallen and was about to get up.

Luck may also run out in that instant, Zhang Yang watched the wires on the man's head catch fire, and the black wires that fell in an instant burned the people on the ground in an instant.

A life is gone, but in the blink of an eye.

Zhang Yang was frightened for a while, she had the heart to help, but she was already too busy to take care of herself at the moment.

Although Zhang Yang's physical strength is not very good, the colleagues from several newspapers who came with her are all men, and their physical strength is much better than her, and they run with her.

"I'll go, I'll go!" the lamb couldn't help but explode as he ran, "What the is going on?!"

but as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, he choked on the wind and coughed.

"Don't speak, run hard!" Ning Xiusi shouted.

Unexpectedly, the person who looks the most literate on weekdays has become the best physical strength in their line.

In the past, Zhang Yang only knew that when the flood came, it was swift and full of destruction, but now, she felt the heat of the flames coming from behind her, and had no doubt that if she was a little slower, she might be consumed by the flames.

In the running crowd, Zhang Yang finally saw a familiar figure.

Those who wore firefighting uniforms and military uniforms were almost all in hand at this time. It's not a child, it's an old man and a woman. Because these people don't run fast enough, one step too late, they may be engulfed in flames.

There is a river behind the town, and now Zhang Yang and the people in the town have waded through this river, changed directions, and are not under the tuyere, so they got rid of the flames behind them.

Close call.

As soon as his legs went limp, the people around him fell to the ground as if they had been drained of their strength.

Zhang Yang was no exception, the back of her neck was already covered with sweat, and the panicked noise just now echoed in her head.

Ning Xiusi's leather shoes already had some of them falling somewhere in the wild running, and now he looked very embarrassed, he didn't have to look at his good suit jacket, and sat on the ground panting.

"What's going on?"

"God, look over there. "

My family!"

At this time, the noise and the cry of the child were all mixed together.

The people who were separated during the run, when they arrived in a slightly safer place, also began to involuntarily look for their loved ones.

The soldiers, who had begun to come with children, old men and women, had already turned back to the river. When a fire comes, people have to save it, but this fire also has to be controlled and extinguished.

Just across the distance of a river, not far away, in the direction of the tuyere, there is already a sea of fire, and this fire has a tendency to continue to spread.

If Zhang Yang and Ning Xiusi were in the hotel before, they saw the mountain fire in the distance, which made the night no longer so dark, then now that they are so close to the fire scene, this night is about to be burned into daytime, but it is just a red day.

The red light is skyrocketing, with an astonishing temperature.

And on the edge of such a monstrous fire, there stood those firefighters and the People's Liberation Army.

Zhang Yang frowned, his eyes were empty, and he pointed to those who seemed to be about to merge into the firelight not far away, "That's the firefighters?"

Ning Xiusi looked in the direction of her finger, "It should be, right
Zhang Yang looked at the fire that was still burning and had no intention of extinguishing it, she reached out to support her legs and stood up again. After a wild run just now, her legs were actually a little weak, but now it didn't seem like the time to be relieved.

"The wind is still blowing, and the fire has not been stopped. We should now hurry up and run while we still have the strength. Zhang Yang said.

At the moment, the place they are in is only temporarily safe, but it is difficult to say

whether the river in front of them can stop the fire on the opposite side.

Ning Xiusi scratched his ears, on the way to escape just now, he always felt that his ears were licked by tongues of fire, and he felt a little tingling. Hearing Zhang Yang's words, he couldn't help but glare, "Won't it?" Although he said this, Ning Xiusi still pushed the two colleagues beside him, frowning, "Then what should we do now?"

Zhang Yang looked at the row of figures on the edge of the river again, in fact, after returning from the mountains and forests today, she was thinking about Ji Xingzhi.

The night before yesterday, Ji Xingzhi left in the middle of the night, is it also related to the wildfire here.

Those figures in the dark night, I don't know if there is him in them.

This idea only appeared for a moment, and was quickly suppressed by Zhang Yang. The most important thing now is not to figure out where Ji Xingzhi is, but that they need to save themselves.

"Although we have people, we have not studied the fire extinguishing tools over there, and we are not familiar with them, so it will only backfire if we take the liberty of helping in the past. Now the wind is blowing from the southwest, and the fire is also in the southwest direction, so we run north. Zhang Yang frowned and said, "You see that the people here now are frightened by the sudden fire, and it is estimated that their legs are weak now, and they don't feel so life-threatening, so they can't run, but this can't work." Zhang Yang's voice trembled at the beginning, but at this time it had calmed down and became firm. She doesn't like to be a person in the group the most, like now, she doesn't have the ability to stop the fire, but if she can buy a little time for the firefighters and the People's Liberation Army who are desperately trying to control the fire by the river, Zhang Yang is very willing. "Once the fire is not under control, the people over there not only have to pay attention to the fire, but also be busy saving people, focusing on both sides of the spectrum, increasing the chance of casualties, and we had better not be the ones who hold others back.

Zhang Yang said these words with a calm face, her voice was a little different from what she sounded on weekdays, all because she was pulled and ran wildly just now, her throat was filled with wind, and there were all kinds of dust particles floating in the surrounding air after the fire, which made people feel uncomfortable when they breathed in.

From childhood to adulthood, where did Zhang Yang suffer this kind of suffering? The throat that was only cultivated by Ji Xingzhi was destroyed in one day.

However, as soon as Zhang Yang's words came out, several people in the newspaper stood up, so that they were ready to obey her arrangement.

Originally, Zhang Yang was also a leader who was believed by everyone in the newspaper, but now even if the environment has changed, Ning Xiusi and several people can't help but believe what Zhang Yang said. What's more, she already made a lot of sense.

After Zhang Yang gave a few simple instructions, he walked towards the crowd.

Now there are many people in this land, and they are people who have escaped from the town.

Some people are hurt, some people can no longer find their loved ones, and there are people who weep bitterly over the loss of their homes. Anyway, the atmosphere was very gloomy.

Zhang Yang cleared her throat, in fact, in this environment, she felt that her throat was about to smoke. But without a bottle of water, she could only hold back.

"Don't rest now, listen to me!" Zhang Yang said loudly.

But even if she opened her mouth now, not many people looked at her and took her seriously.

After all, a young girl, how can she so easily pull these people who have fallen into a depressed mood out of the swamp at this time?

Zhang Yang was not discouraged by this, frowned, and yelled directly, "Get up for me if you don't want to die!"

This voice is much more deterrent than just now.

Zhang Yang didn't care what the gaze that fell on her meant something, and she quickly continued: "The fire is not under control now, once the wind direction changes, we are now in the mountain col, it will be chased and burned." Now, while we still have the strength, we can run as much as we should! Do you still want to sit still and wait for death? Or do you think that because of the firefighters and the People's Liberation Army in front of you, you will be fine? When we let others save us, shouldn't we save ourselves first? You don't have the desire to live, and you still wait for someone to pull you to run? Do you let others follow you and lose your life
Zhang Yang rarely spoke with such a loud voice, and when she said the last sentence, she had already broken her voice.

Ning Xiusi and the others stood behind her, moving and distressed when they heard it.

The author has something to say:

An Liji's essay "Cannon Fodder Girls Are Not Going to Do It (Fast Wear)": In thousands of worlds, there is such a group of people, they are born with their own halo, and they attract all good things.

At the same time, there is also a group of people, in order to set off the protagonist, some of them dislike the poor and love the rich, some are insidious and cunning, and some are scheming.

And Lin Zhao has to dress as this group of supporting roles and cannon fodder.

Lin Zhao: A stepping stone to becoming the main character? Sorry, that can't be.

[World 1]

Dressed as the unfavored daughter of the Lin Mansion.

The whole family revolves around the concubine, feeling that the concubine is a superfluous existence.

Lin Zhao: Then I'll go.

Five years later, Lin Zhao appeared outside the Lin Mansion with the officers and soldiers, and the officers and soldiers drove everyone out of the Lin Mansion: "From now on, this Lin Mansion belongs to Lord Lin Zhao." "

[World 2]

is dressed as a cannon fodder wife who was robbed of Jindan by her husband in the cultivation realm.

The beloved married her only for her Jin Dan to save her lover.

Lin Zhao: Hmm, if you want me Jindan, I first want the lives of this pair of dog men and women.

[World 3]

is dressed as the white moonlight of the male protagonist's early death.

Lin Zhao: Early death? Look into my eyes and say again, who is the one who died early?

[World 4]

Dressed as Miss Cousin borrowed from the Lin Mansion, the poems written by Miss Cousin and the food she cooked were all snatched by her cousin.

Lin Zhao: Oh, rob my things?

A few years later, the name of the first talented woman in the capital became Lin Zhao, and the name of the first chef also became Lin Zhao.

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