~ Part II ~

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"I don't see him", she said with tears in her eyes. Ziyana and her brother Salman, along with some other family members, were at the military base, where the families of the military community organized a homecoming ceremony for the soldiers returning from deployment. The reason Ziyana was in tears was because she was worried that her husband, Yazdan, hadn't returned.
"I can't anymore; I am going around asking for him; I can't just wait here anymore."
She informed her brother, and before he could reply, she was already on her way, and that's when she saw her love, her soul, and her husband walking towards her with a huge smile on his face.
And this time, the tears that escaped Ziyana's eyes were not of worry but of happiness and relief. She ran to her husband, who had his arms wide open for her. He picked her up and spun her around. "You came, she said. "Of course I had promised."  He leaned in, pressed his forehead against hers, and added, "And I never break promises."
They both said in unison while chuckling and pulling away. "Now tell me why you were crying,"  asked Yazdan.
"I thought you..." she choked up.
"Oh my love, if ever something happens to me the military will always inform the family," he replied softly, understanding where she was coming from and her worry.
"Shall we join the others?" Yazdan questioned while wiping away her tears.
Ziyana nodded.
"I have good news that I want to share." He announced once he was done greeting his family that was present at the base.
"This time I am coming home for good"
"You mean as a veteran?" Questioned Salman.
"Yes as a veteran." replied Yazdan.
The family erupted into prayers and cheers, and Ziyana slowly turned her face upwards to face her husband as she was in his arms and asked him,"For real?"
"Yes my love, for real. he replied. "I love you." said Ziyana with so much emotion, and Yazdan replied,
"I love you more." and placed a kiss on her forehead. 

The End.

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