
27 3 15

  First, The old woman wrote. We will start with the event that began toppling the dominos of this adventure, which seemed so insignificant at the time.

  Lynix was fishing, his favorite axolotl swimming nearby. Some people had mocked him for his favorite axolotl being an ordinary pink one when he had one of the rare blue variety, but he couldn't bring himself to not love the little pink guy. Especially after what it had done for him.

  While he was fishing, his mind turned to other things on the server. There had been a lot of storms lately, and while Doni had swore that his alter ego, Dr. Donji, hadn't done anything, everyone was suspicious that he had done something. But the strangest part about those storms was that they lingered for a while before striking, as if trying to build up fear.

  A fish had just took the bait, which Lynix immediately began to reel in, stopping when the fish was thrashing so hard it threatened to break the line. Finally, after about five minutes, he caught it.

  The fish was medium sized, with blue scales, and would make a perfect dinner. Lynix smiled upon seeing his luck. Near-stale beef wouldn't be all he was eating anymore!

  Just then, a rustling noise could be heard from a few nearby bushes. Curiosity and fear went to war within Lynix, and curiosity won. He carefully put the fish in his pack, and went over to investigate, not noticing his axolotl trailing a bit behind in the river, which ran along the path. And as expected, as soon as Lynix so much as hovered over the bushes, who should jump out and tackle him but the most annoying person in the world: Doni Bobes.

  "BOO!" The owl (or was he a duck?) yelled, crashing into Lynix, who made something like an "ACK!" before falling over, crushed under Doni.

  "Why would you DO that?" Lynix almost screamed, trying to wriggle free. His mind was racing. The contact was very uncomfortable already, but the fact he was getting squashed into the dirt didn't help in the slightest. In fact, it only made it worse.

  Hands rise up. Hands come down. Run to safety. Where is safety. Find safety. Find safety.

  Lynix tried to hold the feelings of fear and sadness and pain back, and was successful. Perhaps a bit too successful.

  Doni laughed in return, much to the irritation of Lynix. "Because it's funny! You're the most prankable person I know. And I know a lot of prankable people." His voice sounded like he was enthused at Lynix's near terror.

  Lynix remembered a trick he had learned from a long time ago, and decided to try it out. Suddenly, so suddenly you couldn't even blink, he had twisted himself into a roll under Doni and attempted to get out from under him, which worked as the trickster was too stunned to try and hang on, mouth agape as if trying to say something but failing.

  Lynix proceeded to run towards the river, quickly scooping up his axolotl as well as his fishing gear, and ran home without stopping.


At home, Lynix put the fish on the fire before thinking about his odd encounter. It wasn't really that odd, if he thought about it. Doni was always popping up here or there, causing mischief wherever he went.

  A rumble and a growl from outside. Great. Another storm, Lynix thought angrily. Hasn't there been enough? 

  So many storms had rolled through in the past month that everyone had stopped keeping track of them, as far as Lynix knew. Well, except for maybe Doni, who so far had been able to predict every single storm correctly. Maybe that's why he tackled me. Whatever. It's not like anything else weird is gonna happen.

  Oh, how wrong he was, The old woman wrote, smiling to herself. He was so, so, wrong.

  Thunder struck, spooking the axolotls, and Lynix went over to comfort them by tapping on the glass. It also helped calm him down as he tried to forget the screams of the storm, which was currently raging outside.

  But those screams would be engraved in his mind for a time much longer than he thought.

  Well... not the storm's screams.


Hello again cacti! I wrote this chapter in a day, and honestly that is unreal to me how much motivation I have right now. Anyways, can't wait to hang out with you all. Have a nice time!

(P.S. Sorry for how bad the picture looks. Also, take a look at Some Stories! Something fun is happening there. >:])

AxolotlsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang