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  Oh? The old woman wrote. It seems I have a new letter now, yet it's unsigned. This is interesting. I suppose I'll write this new perspective, if only to expand my knowledge of this story by another being, even if the handwriting is odd.

  It saw something odd. The human seemed scared of the screaming storm, but not the way the other ones did. It seemed like something more intuitive to this human. That was very interesting. It thought the human's reactions should be investigated more. This certainly wasn't typical, as far as it had seen.

  It would tell its team about this. Its team would be ecstatic at the thought of a new investigation. They were always excited when one of them found a new thing to investigate. Knowledge was important to them. This was good.

  It saw the (Well here the writing is smudged) in that odd glass case, and knew it. The vessel in the case was a protector. The protector seemed to help the human. This was good. This human was important. The Guardian trusted this human; liked this human.

  It slipped through the plentiful shadows on the forest floor, careful not to disturb the sleeping spirits. The ones that slept usually didn't want to be disturbed. And those that were neutral to it almost always disapproved of it unless there was some sort of prophecy or the like involved.

  A shadow blinked awake, somewhere deeper within the trees, and it heard that. It hopes it wasn't the cause of the shadow's awakening. They were very sleepy spirits before they had erisiled. It remembered being that sleepy, and how refreshing it had been to finally not be half-asleep for centuries. It was nice.

  And then, as it emerged from the shadows, it saw the Guardian.

  The Guardian was (Stars above! Smudged handwriting again! The old woman cursed through a laugh.) This interested it. Much of the Guardian interested it. The Guardian was so... interesting. This Guardian seemed to be unaware of the duty carried. This was odd. Most Guardians were aware, but this one was oblivious. It was almost refreshing.

  But nevertheless, it had to get home. It slipped through an open window, glancing up at the storm. Someone was angry, and it wondered who. Maybe (I am beginning to think that this is all so smudged on purpose. Maybe it is.It certainly made sense. He always did have a temper.

  It slipped into the entrance to the entrance, stopping briefly to admire a few rigged traps and clever distractions to help people get lost. Eventually, it made it to the real entrance.

  It took a breath. Time to do this.


  Hello cacti! How are you all? It was kind of hard writing this chapter without giving too much away. Also, the urge to schedule chapters for now and not when I'm supposed to is immense. I made this drawing in like two days, so new record! I think. Maybe. I haven't checked. Anyways, have a nice time!

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