Chapter Three

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  I go to the five door garage and find Tom's blue BMW. Great, I have to drive a sissy car. Oh well. I unlock it and hop in. The seats are black leather and smell expensive and uppity. I readjust the seat and grabbed out a cigarette, and light it up. 

  I start up the car and pull out of the driveway. I look at the clock that  reads 7:56. It's going to take me about an hour to get to the prison.  About thirty minutes to get through security. Another ten with my dad. Then an hour home. Placing me at about 10:45 am.

  I pull up to the gate and roll my window down. I pull up to the visitors box. In it, stood a man.

  "How can I help you?" The man asks. He has blond hair and blue eyes, about 5'10, and weighs 200.

  "I'm here to talk to a prisoner." I tell him.

  "We're not letting visitors in today ma'am," He says. He's clearly not from Texas.

  "And why is that? I'm a major and a part of the twenty-seventh. I need to talk to one of the prisoners," I tell him, handing him my card.

"I apologize, thank you for your service. I'll let you through," He says.

"Thank you officer Dan," I say, looking at his name tag.

  I pull through the gate, park, and make my way into the building. I get through security, and just like I predicted thirty minutes. A guard takes me to the visitors room and seats me at the end. I end up waiting there for about five minutes until he comes.

  As he walks in a gard is holding his arm. The moment he looks at me, he rolls his eyes. The guard lets him go and he takes a seat across from me.

There's a window standing in between us. He picks up the phone and places it to his ear. I take in his looks. His once dark brown hair, now turning gray. His deep blue eyes. I really do hate how much we look alike. Even our jawlines were the same.

  "Bummer to see your not dead," He says. "I heard you and your teammates got captured in the Middle East. How did you get out of that mess?" He asks.

  "I'm just here to say hi and that I'm still alive," I tell him. I don't really know what I was expecting from him.

  "Something seems different about you," He says, tilting his head and squinting his eyes. Almost like he was analyzing me.

  "What's that supposed to mean?"
  "You're my child. I made you. You don't think I wouldn't know if something was wrong?" He adds.

  "And yet all you did was beat me up. You don't care about me. You never did and you never will," I growl. I get up and make my way out. I don't know why I came.

  "All those people that you've killed. All the innocent bystanders. You think I'm the monster? Look in a mirror." At this I turn around and slam my hand on the glass.

  "What the hell did you just say?" I yell at him. Then he laughs, he laughs that evil laugh that he does. He would always laugh when he would beat me up.

  "I've killed honey. I know the look of a murderer. You're a monster now." His voice was calm and collected. He didn't have a worry in the world. I push the chair back and bang my fist on the glass. Then I feel two sets of hands grab my arms.
I comply with the guards holding me down, and we walk out. The one guard tazes Dad, making him topple over.

  "This is all your fault! Your mother died because of you!" He screams. I tense up and then let go. Knowing that he's too far gone. He's not worth my anger. That goes to someone else.

  As the guards escort me out of the room they finally let me go. I turn around to face them and they both express looks of concern and worry.

  "I'm sorry ma'am, he's been off his meds," The one on the right says. He was 6'3 and probably around 250. He had blue eyes and one of those blue hats that police officers wear. It covered his shaved head. He was married. He had on a wedding band.

  "But we need to ask you something," the one on the left says. He was younger. Maybe about three years younger than me. He was new to the job. You could tell by the way he stood.

  "And what would that be?" I ask, crossing my arms.

  "Did you kill anyone?" The other guard asks.

  I sigh and take a deep breath. "Technically yes. I was in the marine corps. Unfortunately I didn't have a choice," I tell them. They look at each other and sigh.

  "We're so sorry miss, we didn't know. But you're going to have to come with us," He commands.

  "Why?" I ask. These bastards can't take me. It was a part of the job.

"One for taking a knife on the property. Second, we can't be sure that you're telling the truth," the guard on the left says.

  "But I gave you guys my gun," I protest.

  "Hands up." He commands. He is decently a rookie. One doesn't just go off of coincidences.

However, I end up freezing in my spot and then the two guards turn into General Hassan. He starts to walk up to me and just as his hand touches mine I pass out.

  I start to regain consciousness. I sit up and look around. I'm inside a prison cell. Great, just what I needed. I walk over to the bars and grab hold of them. My legs feel like jello and my head is pounding.

  "What the hell is going on here?" I demand. I then see one of the guards from before, I look down to his name tag, reading 'Jason'.

  "I'd like my phone call," I command.

  Jason hands me a phone and I call Felix. "Hello? Who's this?" He asks.

  "Felix, it's me, Mace. I'm currently in the county prison and I need you to bring my Marine Corps dispatch papers," I tell him.

  "What are you doing there?" Asks Felix.

  "Times up," Jason says. He doesn't even know the amount of time you have on a phone call.

  "Please hurry," I tell him, then hang up. I give Jason the phone and scoff at his stupidity. The government is screwed up. Nonetheless, I take a seat in the corner of the cell. I bring my legs to my chest and rest my head on my knees.

  After about an hour, I hear footsteps coming from down the hall. I look up and see Jason unlocking the cell. And behind him is an unhappy Felix.

  "I'm sorry for the miss understanding Major Mace," Jason says saluting.

  "At ease," I command Jason. Under my breath though I whisper asshole.

  "You're free to go," says Jason.

  Felix and I make our way outside and to our cars.
  "Tom came and picked up his car. He is on his way home. But you're coming with me," Felix says in an irritated voice. I don't respond and just hop in his truck. After about twenty minutes of deathening silence, Felix is the first to talk.

  "Why did you go to see that mistake? Huh?" I don't answer and just keep my gaze out the window.

  "Did you not hear me?" He asks, this time raising his voice.

  "What do you want me to say? You want me to apologize? I'm not a child and I'm sure as hell not your daughter," I growl. I've been through enough crap to be able to live on my own.

  Felix lets out a long sigh and loosens his grip on the steering wheel. "I get it. I get that you haven't been a part of society in ten years, but that doesn't give you the right to act out," he says in a calmer voice.

  "You don't know me. You don't know what I've gone through! You don't know the things I've seen!" I scold him.

  "What happened on your last mission Mace? You're not the same person you were a year ago. What happened?" He asks, I freeze and I can feel my blood drain from my body. My body practically shuts down.

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