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Theo moves toward the fire escape door, he can't be in an elevator right now with the crowd. Not with his boner.

After going down five floors, he reaches to the sales department. He sneaks into one of the storages that hasn't been used for months.

Closing the door behind him, Theo murmurs in the dim space. "Meli?"

He reaches to the shelves and turns the corner.

There she is...

Meli stands there like a brunette angel. Hair darker in low light, framing her face like a blur night. On the contrary, her eyes are bright like stars in the night. The eyes lock with Theo's, pierce his longing ones.

She genuinely smiles at him and Theo's cock twitches for the countless time today. He moves toward her quickly.

Meli takes a few steps forward as greeting him in a seductive way. "Hi, Mr. Rap-"

Theo's lips slam onto hers even before he palms her face. Meli moans with surprise and grabs his forearms for support.

She takes a deep breath and her lips part, he immediately sends his tongue inside her mouth. Her little tongue tangle with his insisting one, he tastes her as groaning. It's great to see for Meli that she isn't the only one who has been agitating all week. She feels her pussy pulsates faster with every warm touch of his tongue.

Theo's hands palm her ass and Meli moans into their kiss. His lips slide to her nape, Meli tosses her hair to the side to give him access. The flowery scent rising from her skin is intoxicating.

Theo maneuvers her between his arms and presses her back onto his muscled chest. He is licking and sucking on her soft neck. The heat of her skin on his tongue ignites a fire inside his chest. One of his hands palms her breast and squeezes it. Her top is a thin blouse, he can feel her nipple is already diamond hard.

Meli gasps when she feels Theo's hard member poking her behind. "How did this happen, Mister?" She playfully asks and reaches back to touch his cock.

He groans and gently pushes her hand to the side. Meli smiles and sends her hand behind again, grabs his nape this time. "Theo?"

He pushes her forward while keeps sucking her neck. Her thighs touch the steel drawer in front of them. There is a mirror hanging on the wall and Meli watches his tall frame towering her little body, the feminine part inside her melts with desire.

His lack of focus makes her feel robbed, Meli needs connection to make out. Her hand on his nape fists his hair and forces him to look at her in the mirror.

Theo groans, eyes meet with hers. She rubs her ass onto his groin, makes him hiss. "How did this happen?"

He never breaks the eye contact, whispers into her ear intensely. "I've been hard since you sent that first text."

Meli exhales a shaking breath, feels her pussy releases warm fluids on her panties. "I thought..." Her hand pulls on his hair harder. "...you got hard for your boss's wifey."

Theo lets out a breathless chuckle. "Over a witch?" He pinches her nipple through her satin blouse.

"Ah..." She gasps, her head is pressed onto his shoulder.

One of Theo's hands palms her butt cheek and the other one slides through her thigh. It reaches to the hem of her skirt and Theo pushes his hand under the fabric.

The second he touches her bare leg, Theo's whole frame tenses and his lips freeze on her neck. He looks at her eyes in the mirror with surprise while his hand grasps the strip that wrapped around her thigh.

His Boss's Wife Where stories live. Discover now