The boy in the prison.

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*This takes place around the time of the start of season four, it won't follow the events though.*


I arrived at the prison nearly a 8 months ago, when my home in Woodbury became more of a prison than a place of sanctuary. The Governors plan to overtake the prison and kill all its inhabitants, who he'd said were out to kill us, failed miserably, leading to the deaths of many we knew and loved.

When Rick and Michonne had arrived to Woodbury, they wasted no time in explaining everything to us, we'd never felt so betrayed till that point.
We learnt of the Governor using all our strongest members as soldiers, how he'd practically groomed them into obeying him. How he'd left the prison after being overpowered and overwhelmed by the strength of everyone within. How he'd killed every last member who came back with him, and ran off out of fear.

We all understood at that moment what he truly was, a coward and a maniac, to overcome by the grief in losing his family to think clearly. A man who had become drunk by the power he held over others, an abusive, manipulative old man who'd lost who he truly was a long time ago.

I was 13 when I arrived, the same age as Ricks son Carl, who I'd been paired with almost immediately after arriving. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes, freckles covered most of his face and neck, and he always wore the same sheriffs hat. I'd assumed he was kind and gentle like most of the kids I knew, but I was wrong.

Carl was cold and dismissive when I met him, he spoke to me rarely. If he did say anything, it was usually to relay a message from another or tell my aim was off when practicing with my bow and arrow. Daryl often helped me practice, though Rick was quick to shut it down, he didn't want any of the kids learning that stuff till they were old enough.

On the nights when I couldn't sleep, I'd walk around the field at night, watching the walkers that crowded the fences. Carl often joined me, seeing as he stayed up late reading comics anyways, he never wanted me to go out alone.

When winter came, Carl and I were put into the same cell together after I'd been harassed by an older boy in my cell block. It wasn't taken easily by other at first, they weren't to sure about have a boy and a girl in the the same cell alone together. Rick made us swear we'd only every be using it as a bedroom, if anything more mature happened then we would be separated.

Neither of us argued, Carl had simply looked at me that day and said, "I don't think I'd enjoy that stuff with her. No offence Y/N"

I wasn't offended, I felt the same way. We moved in together and Carl took the bottom bunk while I took the top.

We made a system in sharing the room, I kept all of my stuff on one end, his was on the other. We never touched each others stuff, and never tried to argue over anything. We coexisted very easily.

During that time we bonded over our shared love of comics and the adventure books in the library. We talked most nights about what our lives were like before everything, and often found ourselves having laughing fits when Rick would tell us to be quiet.

Him and I spent most of the winter inside playing with Judith, who'd seemed to become attached to me. When she become upset or hungry, Beth would come over to take her, while Carl and I left to walk around the prison. We'd be together almost everyday, most of the time not by chose, but when we were together on the lazy days, we always seemed to enjoy each others company.

One morning in the midst of spring, Rick had chosen not to wake the two of us up for chores. I woke on my own and carefully climbed down off my bunch and walked around the cell block, checking the clock Herschel had found in one the other cell blocks while cleaning it out. Half past 6.

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