Part 7. crush?

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the mission where i got injured was now 2months ago and im allowed to train and attend on missions now again

iso was ignoring me now the whole time

idk why but it made me rlly sad

maybe im rlly in love?

i mean i just know him like 3months and im crushing on him?

is that even possible?

i was deep in thought so i didnt realised that i was staring at iso

neon came up to me

"yo y/n got finally an eye on iso?" she asked

"what no!" i said blushing

"man u rlly got an crush on him" gekko said randomly appering next to me

"holy shit where do u come from now?" i asked gekko

"i was here the whole time but u didnt realised cuz u were staring at iso"

"was i staring at him the whole time?" i asked

"yes" they both said in choir

"damn, i think i gotta tell ya smth lets go to my room" i said

we all sat down on my bed

"sooooooooooo what u wanna tell us" neon said

"yea spill the tea" gekko said

"sooo i think im kinda crushing on iso but im not sure tho" i said shyly

"hmm how u feelin around him?" gekko asked

"i feel like a thousand butterflies r flying around in my stomach" i answered

"yes u got an crush on him I KNEW IT" neon said happily

"just for u to know we were shipping u two since he got here" gekko said


then i heard an knock on my door

it was iso

speak of the devil

"what do u want" i said

"sage wants to talk to u"

then he left

"damn why is he so cold to u weren't u 2 rlly good friends?" neon asked

"long story i gtg sage wants to talk to me" i said standing up from my bed

"but tell us later the story yea?" gekko said

"ofc" i said


sage asked me to tell y/n that she wanna see her and i said yes

so i went to her door

i wanted to knock but then i heard them talking abt smth

i wanted to ignore that but then i heard my name

"sooo i think im kinda crushing on iso but im not sure tho" she said

*what she likes me?* i started to blush

*no no no never that was just a joke 100% i mean she wont like me back right? thats just a joke*

i knocked

"what do u want" she said


since our arguement we barely talked

she is still mad ig

"sage wants to talk to u" i said

i didnt wanted to sound that cold but it just came out of me

then i left

i wanted to cry

the girl i rlly like probably hate me now


(433 words)

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