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"Miss, we have landed in Costa Rica." A stewardess tapped my shoulder gently waking me up.

"Thank you." I smiled unbuckling my seatbelt.

I grabbed my bags and got out of the plane to ride a ferry.

After grabbing my luggage from the baggage claim, I hailed a taxi to take me to the ferry going to Isla Nublar.

"Isla Nublar?" The taxi driver asked.

"Yeah, Jurassic World." I replied.

"That really got the tourist rate up, but I'm not too fond of that place." His thick accent was filled with disgust.

"Neither am I, honestly." He looked at me questionably from the mirror.

"I'm visiting my brother, who happens to train velociraptors." I stated. "The dinosaurs behind most of the killings at the old park."

"Good luck." He said sympathetically. "We are here at the dock."

"Thank you." I gave him the money.

Before I left he grabbed my arm and whispered, "If something chases you, run."

I boarded the giant boat. The ocean calmed me a bit, but his words were stuck in my head. Repeating itself over and over again.

Lets face it. Im going to die.

The ferry arrived at the island half an hour later. I was one of the last to get of because of the many people who chose to risk their lives on this island.

There was probably twenty thousand people here. More than enough for a hungry group of Tyrannosaurus rex to eat.

How was I going to find my brother? I pushed through the crowd to try to get to the main area where my hotel was.

"Kendall!" I heard someone call.

I turned around to see my older brother, Owen. He looks different from the last time I saw him, which was two years ago. He was a lot more buff and looked exhausted, the bags under his eyes were prominent.

He engulfed me in a giant hug, "I missed you so much, little sis."

"I missed you too." I hugged back. "How's life?"

"Great. I really love my raptors."

I nodded while thinking about all the things that could go wrong when training velociraptors.

"How about you?" He asked.

"I'm good, my life is really boring compared to yours."

Owen chuckled, "You're not giving dad too much trouble, right?"

"Eh, I'm trying." I joked.

"I have an exciting day planned for you, kiddo." We walked to my hotel room. "So go do your thing and meet me out here."

I nodded and put my stuff down. The room was really big and had the most beautiful view I have ever seen. Owen really put effort in this.

I quickly texted my dad saying I arrived and met Owen, then freshened up.

Ten minutes later, I spotted Owen talking to some red headed lady.

She glanced at me then turned back to Owen, "I'll get going, Mr.Grady."

She left, her heels clicking as she walked off.

"Mr.Grady?" I laughed.

"Don't even." He laughed with me.

"So what rides are we going on?" I asked.

"Rides?" He stared at me in disbelief. "Oh hell no, you're getting the full experience."

"What exactly do you mean by that?" I asked nervously.

"You're gonna meet my babies." He answered excitedly.

"The r-raptors?" I gulped.

"Don't be scared, they're not as viscous as they seem." He reassured. Yeah, totally!

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