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"Lets go on the gyrosphere!" Gray said pointing to the ride with the most people.

"It's a really long line." I said not wanting to wait in the hot sun.

"Aunt Claire gave us VIP so we get to go to the front." Zach said grabbing my wrist. We ran to the fast lane cutting all the people.

"Zach, it's only has two seats." Gray pointed to the glass sphere.

"You two go, I'll stay here." I offered.

"No, you and Gray go, I don't mind waiting." Zach said.

"I'm not a huge fan of being up close with a dinosaur anyways. You should really go."

"Just make up your mind!" Gray said impatiently already waiting inside the hamster ball.

"You go." I shoved Zach in.

"Yikes, someone's pushy." Zach joked.

"Punny." I rolled my eyes.

"I know you like it, babe." Zach winked before the two went off into the field.

My cheeks turned red. I just met him, he's cute, but I can't like him that way.


I waited near the exit area for the ride. It's only a ten minute ride. I don't mind waiting in the hot sun. Zach's hotter than the sun and I can tolerate him. What am I thinking?!

Five minutes while waiting, I decided I needed to cool down. I walked to the nearest vending machine and bought water.

I walked back to the ride where a bunch of people were slowly filing their way out.

I stopped a random person and asked, "Whats going on?"

"The ride closed down." He said. "No one knows why."

"Thank you." I ran to the guy operating the ride.

"Hi, two boys, one my age and a younger one with curly hair are still inside the gyrosphere." I examined frantically worried about Zach and Gray.

"They should be out by now, we sent all the vehicles running a warning." He said lazily.

I nodded, "Okay."

I waited at the same place where I was earlier.

Another five minutes passed and I started to panic.

Not knowing what to do, I called Owen.

"Hello?!" I practically yelled into my phone.

"Kendall, thank God. Claire's been trying to reach Zach for the past twenty minutes." Owen answered. "Are you guys alright?"

"No, I'm scared Owen, Zach and Gray are still inside the gyrosphere." I cried.

"Shit." He muttered.

"Owen, tell me what's going on. Why is everyone going back to the mainland?" I asked.

He took a breath, "A dinosaur escaped it's cage."

"Tell me it's the little baby one from the petting zoo."

"No, it's the Indominous Rex."

"What the hell is that?"

"The first genetically modified hybrid. Highly intelligent, almost killed me." He explained.

"These people are crazy! Creating such a monster! Do they want people to die again?!" I ranted.

"Kendall, Claire's in the car..."

"I don't care! We're all gonna die! Zach and Gray are probably dead because of that thing!"

"No they're not. We're gonna look for them right now." Owen reassured.

"I will too." My voice was shaking. A dinosaur is on the loose, I'm gonna die either way, so why not actually do something for once in my life rather than sit in a corner and cry?

"No Kendall stay righ-" I hung up the phone.

When the operator guy wasn't looking I hopped inside a gyrosphere praying that it'll work.

I pushed the joystick forward. I started moving at what seemed like 5 mph.

Honestly, I wasn't surprised that the ride still worked. These people didn't care about their guests, they only want money, which is why they decided to open the park again twenty two years after the incident.

All the dinosaurs were running around. I tried my best to dodge them, completely ignoring Jimmy Fallon on the screen.

Where could they have gone?

I suddenly stopped when I heard a loud roar followed by screams. I felt the ground shake from it's footsteps. And then I saw it. That thing Owen warned me about.

I was so tempted to turn back, but then I saw the terrifying dinosaur lift up another gyrosphere in it's mouth.

I saw two people inside, whether it's Zach and Gray or not, I'm still going after them. I refuse to die doing nothing in life. If I die, I die a legend.

I went inside the path saying restricted road', thinking how idiotic they are for going in when it clearly said, 'do not enter. But then again, I'm going inside to die as well, so that makes me extra idiotic.

The screams grew louder. Suddenly I felt the gyrosphere go ten feet into the air before being smashed down breaking half the glass.

I quickly took off my seatbelt and ran behind a tree where Gray was hiding.

"Run! We'll catch up!" I yelled.

I took a deep breath and ran back into the scene where Zach was trying to escape the dinosaur.

I started throwing sticks at it trying to distract it. When it finally noticed me, it roared an ear splitting roar.

Zach grabbed my hand as we started running towards Gray.

We stopped at a waterfall. We all knew we had to jump or we'd be dead.

I looked down and finally snapped out of it.

"I'm not jumping down. I can't do this. I shouldn't even be here!" I cried.

"We have to jump."

"I can't." Gray screamed.

The Indominous Rex was getting closer.

"Just look at me." Zach said. "On three."

"Three!" He yelled as we all jumped down barely making it.

I felt myself submerge into the cold water. Even beneath the surface, you can still hear it's loud footsteps. As I was about to catch my breath, Zach pulled me down, pressing a finger to his plump lips. The creature roared startling me.

The three of us swam back to shore where Zach and Gray had a brotherly moment that even everything i just went through, still made me smile.

We all walked into the forest hoping there's a way back to the main land.

"Kendall, your arm." Gray gasped.

I looked at the one that hurt really bad. Blood was gushing out from the big slash on my forearm.

"Probably from a rock." I winced in pain. "Lets keep walking, I'll get over it."

"I never got to thank you for saving me." Zach said.

"What are friends for?" I grinned cheekily wrapping my good arm around him.

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