What Did You Expect To Happen?

18 1 0

1938 - 2014
Bucky P.O.V

Walking down the street, in search of a punk, I check the alleyway.

No one's in there. I check the next one, but still no one.

I find a lady staring down an alleyway with an almost horrified expression and sigh. I shoo her away before going down to check whether it's Steve getting his ass beat.

It is.

I walk over to break up the fight, or well, beating. Steve is on the ground and bleeding. Not much of a surprise there. I pull the other guy off of him and help him stand up.

"I swear, I had him that time," Steve complains.

"Right. That totally explains why you weren't on your feet," I reply sarcastically. "One of these days, you'll get yourself killed."

Steve rolls his eyes as I drag him back to our apartment.

We're not that far from it.




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