Chapter 5 it's raining

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I woke up the next morning feeling uneasy from the nightmare I had.

I tried to let it go as I made my way downstairs and into the kitchen. Through the window I could see out into the backyard and the sky over it. Dark, grey clouds were covering the blue of early morning, and the branches of the trees in the yard started shaking in the wind. Another storm was clearly on its way.

I love storms.

As I drank my coffee, I remember I had forgotten to make a fresh pot, and had to settle for it putting in the microwave. It tasted slightly bitter, even with the sugar and cream. It didn't matter, coffee was coffee after all. And it was either that or a headache from lack of caffeine. And if there was one thing I didn't want to deal with right now, it was a headache. I had dealt with enough of those recently.

I made my way out of the kitchen and into the living room, trying to forget the nightmare from last night It was still in my mind. Usually I forget my nightmares after I wake up and remember there isn't a murder or monster or clown after me. The last one I had been of me trying to hide while.a robot tried to kill me, In the dream I ended up hiding under the front deck to escape it, before making a break for it when it left to kill something else I had woken up after that,completely convinced it had been really, until my brain kicked in and I remembered killer robots aren't real.

The memory of the dream made me think about my conversation with Annalore last night. She had said clover hadn't made it home yet due to the riots. When would she be back?

Maybe you should go next door and ask her.

I wanted too, but I was way to nervous to talk to her right now, especially with the feeling of unease I had in my stomach. It felt like I had just watched one of those true crime shows that dealt with really heavy stuff. Like the time a serial killer was interviewed, and he confessed to trying to hid the bodies by grounding them up into hamburger meat. Thankfully, they caught the guy. Especially since he confessed to planning to sell the meat to a local restaurant. That would have been a real nightmare. I couldn't look at hamburgers for a month after watching that. Probably not something anyone should see or hear at thirteen years old.

Trying to find something to take my mind off the nightmare, I went to open the living room window to let some day light in. That only made things worse however, when I realized it hadn't been a nightmare. The ravaged, half eaten human laying on the sideway in a pool of mostly dried blood was pretty hard to lie to yourself about being not real when it's laying across the road from you.

I suddenly had the urge to throw up again.

I fought it down however, as the next idea that popped into my head made a great distraction. Call 911. The police would be able to handle the situation, and at least they would eventually have to remove the body to take it to the coroner's office. But something made me think that anyone with even basic common sense would deduce he didn't die of natural causes. The very idea of being eaten alive was a terrible thought, but being eaten alive by one of your neighbours, even worse.

Where is Jack?

He wasn't outside anymore, or if he was he was out of view. Which didn't take away the sick pain in my stomach.

I dialled 911 on the old house landline since my cell was still dead. it rang and rang for what felt like forever, before a voice finally answered.

"We're sorry,  the number you have dialled is no longer available."

I stopped hearing the robotic voice talk as a new sound started up, it was a tapping sound on the window.





Thankfully, I noted as I looked outside, it was just drops of water on the glass.

It's raining.


Authors note.

Hi everyone. Sorry the story was gone for so long. I've spent the last few months really thinking about where I want it to go, and finally think I have a plan for the ending, as well as any sequels.

the next chapter will be out in three weeks, and will be probably nearly twice the size of chapter four, so I thought a shorter chapter would be a ok way to start the story up after being away for a while. Please comment down below and share the story if you like it. It would really help.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01 ⏰

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