|Chapter Six|

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I was having another shitty day, and I was having a hard time even getting out of bed. But I decide to just try and push through.

I walk to the kitchen to get myself something to eat, because my stomach feels like it's eating itself and I'd forgotten to eat dinner last night.

Tara walks in leaning over the counter, looking at me with a huge grin on her face and I give her a confused look. "What? Why are you giving me that look?"

"How was your date with Johnnie the other night?" Tara teases, making my cheeks heat up and I begin to stumble over my words.

She laughs at my nervousness "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! I'm just teasing you." She waves her hands, and I laugh nervously.

"You do like him though, don't you?" She tilts her head to the side. I hop up onto the counter and shrug "I'm not sure. Maybe?"

"Well if you decide you do, I say go for it." She says, getting herself a cup of water. "Johnnie's a sweet guy, and you deserve a sweet guy." She adds as she walks out.

I grab my phone out of my pocket, just staring down at the screen.

I open my phone and go through mine and Johnnie's texts. I find myself smiling at his texts, and I feel my cheeks flush. I audibly groan, placing my phone back in my pocket.

We're just friends.

I keep repeating those words over and over in my head, trying to convince myself we're nothing more.

"Oh Y/N! Your boyfriend is here!" Tara calls out in a teasing tone. I sigh, hopping down from the counter.

I walk out to the living room to see Jake and Johnnie. Jake gives Tara a confused look, and Johnnie just waves to me. Jake catches on and throws a hand over his heart.

"Are you cheating on me?" Jake turns to Johnnie, trying not to laugh. Johnnie shakes his head smiling "No guys, cmon. We're just friends."

Just friends... Right. Just friends.

Jake and Tara tease Johnnie, but he seems for the most part unphased by them. I admire how Jake and Johnnie are with each other, and I was a bit envious of them.

Tara turns to me, and reminds me that we had agreed to go out tonight. I had completely forgotten, and I was starting to rethink going. I start to think maybe I'll just cancel, but against my better judgment I agree to still go with thinking maybe it'll be worth it.

Johnnie places his hand on my back "Are you ok?" He tilts his head to the side, and I nod. "Yeah, I'm ok. Don't worry." I try to reassure him.

I head to my room to get changed, and as soon as I close my door behind me I sigh heavily. I try to mentally prepare myself for tonight, and just take deep breaths.

Tara told me to dress how I felt most comfortable, so I decided to just dress casual. I slip on some baggy ripped jeans, and my favorite oversized band t.

I grab out my favorite pair of converse with stars painted on them, and webs drawn on. I put my phone in my pocket and walked back out to the living room.

Tara turned to me as I walked in, and her mouth fell agape. I stood there awkwardly, nervously playing with the sleeves of my cardigan.

"You look amazing! Per usual." Tara's words boost my confidence, and I let out a soft laugh.

Johnnie gives me a soft smile, and tilts his head. "You look nice." I feel my cheeks heat up "Oh! Thank you." I laugh nervously.

Tara nudges me, giving me a smirk. I stick my tongue out at her, and we both laugh.

"Come on you guys, we'll be late." Jake rushes us out the door. "Since when have you been one for punctuality?" Tara teases him as we head out.

We make it to the movies finally, and Tara and Jake are bickering. It's friendly banter of course, they love to tease each other. But it leaves me and Johnnie with only each other to talk to.

An awkward silence falls over the two of us, neither of us knowing what to say to the other as usual.

I brush a strand of hair behind my ear, looking up at Johnnie. He turns away immediately, making me giggle.

"So..." He pauses, looking down at me. I tilt my head slightly to the side, smiling up at him. "I was wondering... If you might want to hang out sometime? You know, just you and me?" He smiles nervously.

"Like... On a date?" I give him a suspicious look, and he laughs nervously. A dark blush crosses his cheeks, and he nervously scratches his arm. "Maybe? Unless you're not interested, and then in that case no." He jokes.

I can't help but laugh, and lightly punch his arm. "I'd love to. That sounds like fun." My heartbeat quickens at the thought of going on a date, with Johnnie.

We make it into the movie theater, but all I can think about is Johnnie. I never expected him to like me, especially not in that way. It felt unreal. But it's not like I was complaining.

We all sit together in the theater, and I sit between Tara and Johnnie. I looked over at Johnnie, and he smiles.

I lay both of my hands in my lap, and Johnnie rests his arm on the arm rest. As the movie begins, I find myself having a hard time focusing on it.

Instead I find myself staring at Johnnie, specifically his hand.

I think about what his hands must feel like. How warm they must be or how soft they must feel. I want to hold his hand, but I don't want to make it weird.

My eyes trail up to his face, scanning over his features.

His messy box dyed hair, swept over his face. The black eye shadow he always put on. His pale skin, made seemingly paler by all the black. His lip piercings. The face tattoos, mostly covered by his hair. And my favorite, his greyish blue eyes.

He notices me staring and looks down at me, a soft smile forming on his face. A soft blush crosses my cheeks and I turn my attention to my hands instead, nervously playing with them.

I awkwardly reach my hand over to place it on his, and he returns the gesture. We intertwine our fingers, and I can feel my heart skip a beat.

His hands feel nice. They're surprisingly soft, and very warm. He draws circles on my hand with his thumb, giving me goosebumps.

I try to relax, and finish watching the movie, but the entire time I'm distracted by how Johnnie's hand feels in mine.

Emo Boy (Johnnie Guilbert x F!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now