The Chance

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Feral is walking across the street.

Heading to somewhere..

No one knows why and how.. lol

As he walks across the streets..

He stumbles on a kid..

Bc the kid is alone he worries over it.

So he greets him.

Feral says hello

The kid answers responding to him back turning.. hey..

Feral: Are you here all alone? Why is that?

Kid: Well.. i was just about to leave..

Feral: .. You like woods?

Kid: .. Yeah they are quiet..

Feral: Hah. You kidding right?

Kid: ..

Feral: .. Hey what's your name.

Kid: Me? I'm Ted. Ted Bundy.

Feral: ? Ted Bundy? Like a Teddy Bear? Hahaha! "Laughs little hard"

Ted: Oh come on! Not funny! Stop!

Feral: .. Okay okay man sorry about that..

Ted: ..

Feral: .. Anyways..

Ted: ..?

Feral: Would you like to hang out? We can go to woods for idk walk? Or over there.. "Points at the park"

Ted: .. You choose..

Feral: Huh? Why me?

Ted: Bc you ask me.. lol

Feral: Fuck.. sake..

Ted: .. "Smiles"..

Feral: .. XD.. fine.

Ted: "Smiles at him"..

Feral: We go to.. park.

Ted: No let's go to woods first.

Feral: Huh? You said i pick wtf..

Ted: Sorry.. pleas..

Feral: Tsk.. whatever fine.

Ted: "Smiles"..! Yes! Let's go!

Feral: .. "Looks at him".. fucking eager to go huh.. "Grins".. alright wait up!

Some time later..

Ted and Feral went to woods.. walking around..

Ted said it was fun as they talked about life. What he wanted and wishes things to be and wished.

He also told him about him family and him being christian..

Feral says..

Feral: Yeah fuck christians.. they are hella annoying.. always rubbing and running their mouths about false gods and believes lmao.. i mean like god gives a fuck about such pathetic beings like humans.. such. Hahaha!

Ted: ..! Wait.. are you.. a god?

Feral: ..? "Grins" XD.. yeah. Kinda of.

Ted: Wow! Yeah you look like a god..

Feral: .. Bro pleas shut up..

Ted: Sorry..

Feral: Hey take this stick.

Ted: ..?

Feral: Come on try it!

Ted: ..! "Tries to take it" "Fails" bc Feral is too fast.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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