The Argument

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I woke up and I saw a note on my couch saying
Dear Sakura,
Yes I stood the night but I left early because Sasuke called saying
he wanted me at the park with Naruto. I home you are okay, call
me when you wake up
love Hinata

I was thinking about calling Hinata but I just got dressed and went to the mall and guess who I saw
kakashi. He went to me and said im so sorry you do know I love you right? I said well no I don't so leave me alone.
I went into hollister and little did I know he was following me. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the

I couldnt fight back so I followed him and said Kakashi, where are you taking me. He did'nt answer and pulled me
into one of those allyways in the mall but a little deeper. He stopped and turned around then before I knew it he
smashed his lips onto mine. I pushed him back and kinda sorta yelled KAKASHI WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING.

He said what do you think Sakura. I slapped his face and walked back home and thankfully he did'nt follow me.

Next Day

I was sitting on my front porch doing absolutly nothing and I didnt want to do nothing. I then saw a white convertable
pull up in front of Kakashi's house. I then saw Kakashi come out with Ashely and he started kissing her as I rolled my

Ashely left Kakashi on the road and as I looked closer I realized he still had on the same outfit as yesterday. I saw him
sit down on the road rubbing his temples. I got up and walked over to him then sat next to him. He looked at me as his
eyes were mixed with different emotions. He said I thought you hated me. I nodded my head and said I do hate you but
Im not gonna let my best friend look like shit.

What's wrong, he said that he misses someone special to him I said oh sorry who is it, he said that she was mad at him from
and that she hates him and that he thinks he's with the wrong girl, I was starting to think it was me. When he stoped talking he just
stared into my eyes and said I really miss you so much, I love you sakura. I said I love you to but you can't be doing this.

When I said that he said that I know but I want to be with you and not Ashely. When i heard that I said well you need
to choose, me or her. Then I gave him a kiss on the cheek and said tell me when you chose. He nodded his head and said
okay I will. I then looked at his clothes again and crossed my arms as I said Where were you yesterday Kakashi.

He ran his hand threw his hair and said With Ashely at the bar. I sighed as I said So why did you come back today instead
of yesterday. He swallowed the Lump in his throat and said I spent the night at her house thats all I remember I was kind of
drunk. I furred my eyebrows and said Are you serious right now Kakashi you spent the night at her house and did'nt know what
happened after that.

He got up and walked into his house with me behind him and he said Yeah so. I stomped my foot and yelled SO YOU DID'NT
KNOW WHAT SHE COULD HAVE DONE TOO YOU. He sighed as he turned around and said She did'nt do anything to me Sakura.
I said Oh really how do you know if you were DRUNK KAKASHI. He rolled his eyes and said I just know okay.

He then walked past me and out the door. I followed him but he hoped into a blue convertable where Sasuke and Naruto was
in. I watched the blue high dollor car left me standing there. I broke down into tears and closed Kakashi's door to his house.

Its been several hours since Kakashi left and my parents has'nt came home because they wanted to live there so I live by my
self now. I looked in my basement where my father keeps all his champain at and I took one not like I care if I get in trouble
cuz I wont. I went back up stairs and I took one of those wine glasses out the cabnit then went out on the front porch again.

Its dark outside and believe me I could care less. I took out the cork opener and pulled the cork out of the bottle. I poured
some in the glass and took a sip. Everytime a car passed by I wished it was Kakashi but it never was so I stopped looking
and pulled out my Ipod and listened to my music.

I closed my eyes and drank as I hummed the tone of my favorite song. I then heard a car pull up and I opened my eyes to
see the blue convertable from earlier. I saw Kakashi come out looking drunk because he was wobbling and so did Sasuke
and Naruto but they were knocked out. I then looked at the drivers seat to see Ashely driving them >:( Bitch I thought.

She drove away from Kakashi and that made me mad because she left him outside drunk. I looked at my wine glass and
threw it on the ground. I stood up and walked over to Kakashi then he looked at me and smiled... Yup he's drunk I thought.
He walked closer to me and he almost fell but I caught him.

I took him inside his house and said see what I was saying kakashi, He said what do you know. I was'nt mad beacause I knew
he was drunk and did'nt know what he was saying. when we went into his room I layed him on the bed and took his
outside clothes off, I asked him if he wanted me to stay with him the night. He said yeah.

End of chapter

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