Pack meeting...?

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    A/N: next chapter will be short as well just because they are relating to the same thing mostly! Thanks for reading and voting! (Also didn't spell check.)

    Scott and Lydia were both immediately bombarded with questions. Everyone was panicking and talking at once but only one thing stood out to Scott. It was Deaton's unwavering stare. Deaton didn't bother listening to the rambling of everyone, rather just stare at Scott in anticipation of what happened. Scott finally broke the awkward eye contact and looked down at Lydia. She was just spacing out, recalling everything that had happened. She didn't bother pretending it went well, instead her face was blank.

Scott sighed before clearing his throat to make sure it didn't break while he was explaining. "Okay, everyone calm down!" He said loudly making sure he gathered everyone's attention, including Lydia's. All the sounds of different mangled conversations lowered to silence immediately. Scott took a breath of relief before stepping around the couch and sitting in between Stiles and Lydia.

Deaton continuously looked at Scott before he finally spoke,"So what happened?" He spoke calmly, seemingly unfazed about the whole situation.

    Scott took a brief moment to recollect his thoughts...what does he say first. Before he could even think it all through Lydia spoke up,"There were a bunch of doors." Her answer sounding very vague.

Deaton nodded his head, his hand on his chin. "Why were there doors? What purpose did they serve?" He asked calmly as he looked at both Scott and Lydia for answers.

"We were going through his memories, mostly the bad ones-"

"Mostly?" Scott interrupted annoyed and angry. He stared blankly at Lydia as he sighed and muttered,"never mind..."

Lydia rolled her eyes as she continued,"Anyways, yes we went through his bad memories. The door is how we would get from one memory to another." Lydia's eyes never looked away from Deaton. Her whole demeanor was concerned and begging for answers.

    Deaton just nodded, his face holding one of curiosity. Like a little kid seeing something for the first time.  He finally nodded once more,"That would make sense. Considering the door in your mind is wide open."

    "Seems like some sort of sick joke." Scott spoke sharply. His arms crossed, he made no effort to look at anyone. He just needed to figure this whole thing out. He needed to figure this out not just for Stiles but for himself too. Everything he'd just seen and heard is still hard to digest. Scott suddenly stood up and stormed off to his room. Mellissa watched Scott as everyone else watched her. She smiled awkwardly and followed after her son quickly.

Lydia just rolled her eyes towards Scott's behavior. Everyone took notice but never said anything. Although Kira wanted to ask Lydia what was wrong, she decided against it. Lydia sighed as she stood up and looked at Deaton still annoyed. Her hand on her hip and her other hand doing various motions as she spoke,"On that note..." she sighed,"I think I should call the Sheriff, tell him how Stiles is doing." She eyed the floor as her annoyed look softened a bit.

    Deaton smiled a genuine smile, although it was an awkward one. "Yeah, of course." He slid over and slightly motioned to the opening next to him. Lydia nodded quickly as she flashed a smile and walked into the kitchen.

Kira was the only one left in the room, considering Peter had left a while ago. She looked at Deaton, millions of question running through her head. So she decided to shoot her shot and ask one,"Hey Deaton, is there a way to get him back...without killing him?" Kira asked softly remembering her Mother, who didn't care who or what The Nogitsune was possessing. She just cared about killing the thing she called upon in the first place.

Deaton sighed as he put his hand against his forehead as if to help him think. "I hope so-"

"What do you mean you hope so?" Kira spoke sharply. Although she hadn't known Stiles that long she had grown close to Scott and she knew Stiles was close to him. She didn't have to deeply know Stiles to understand what he meant not only to Scott but the pack.

Deaton looked up at Kira, still speaking calmly but his tone echoed a desperate call. "What I man is that was our one shot. This is the only thing any of us could come up with. Maybe we use more Wolf Lichen and have them go into his mind then..." Deaton trailed off in his own world as Kira just sighed and sat down on a nearby ottoman.

    Kira spoke up harshly pulling Deaton out of his own thoughts,"Is this really our only shot?" Her eyes pleaded with worry for Stiles. Although she wasn't close to him she felt connected to him. Or maybe she felt responsible, but either way it was because of The Nogistune.

    Deaton saw her expression and immediately took a deep breath to recollect himself. "If we use the Wolf Lichen it should push The Nogitsune's control away for a few days. That's what it should do, usually. Since The Nogitsune is in full control now it might only last a few hours or it might not even work." Deaton placed his hand on his chin as he spoke calmly. He couldn't help but give Kira a genuine smile at her concern.

Right as Kira was about to speak up once more Lydia walked out of the kitchen, her boots clicking with each step. "I just got off the phone with the Sheriff, he'll be here...soon." she say down on the couch as she finished her sentence, furthest away from Stiles's shell of a body. Kira could tell because of Lydia's tone, that the call clearly didn't go well.

    There were suddenly the sound of footsteps from the stairs. Everyone looked over to see Scott and Melissa coming down. Both seemed calm until their eyes both widened into shock, they were staring at the couch. No, not at the couch Stiles.

    One by one all eyes were locked onto Stiles. His hand was beginning to twitch...the Kanima venom was wearing off fast.

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