Singing Oh Glee

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In the melody of life, oh glee, 
A song of joy, forever free. 
Notes dance upon the breeze so light, 
Echoing laughter, pure and bright. 

With harmonies that soar and rise, 
In every heart, a sweet surprise. 
Oh, sing of dreams that touch the sky, 
In every verse, let hope defy. 

Through trials faced and battles won, 
Our voices blend, a chorus spun. 
In every lyric, love's embrace, 
Oh glee, in you, we find our grace. 

So let us sing with all our might, 
In your embrace, our spirits alight. 
For in your song, we find our way, 
Oh glee, forever here to stay.

@The Book Owl

The Book Owls Collection By J.C. Bauzon Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt